Political advisors spew so much crap about the need to tear down your opponent. Here’s a refreshing case study that proves the opposite is possible.

Congratulations to the newly-elected mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts, David Narkewicz. While his opponent went negative to the point of craziness (even going so far as to attack him for riding a bicycle, with an ad that talked about training wheels as a metaphor for inexperience), Narkewicz stayed positive, focusing on community-building, achieving widely held goals, and his own civic history. He was also deeply issue-focused and very articulate during the numerous debates (more than I can remember for any previous local election, in my 30 years in the area).

As a marketing consultant who has occasionally advised politicians, I have long held the opinion that such a positive campaign could be quite popular. I used this positive focus writing the press releases for the successful first mayoral campaign of a different mayor, who won in 1989 and went on to serve four two-year terms.

And while I predicted that his opponent’s strategy (using the considerable talents of a very good local ad agency), would fail, even I was pleasantly shocked at the margin of victory. Narkewicz took 70 percent of the vote, sweeping every ward, even the traditionally conservative western parts of the city. And he had coattails for progressives in every other contested race, as well as a ballot initiative to keep a land-preservation bill that the right had attacked.



A lot of visionary people out there are convinced that pretty much anything in the waste stream can be turned to more productive use. And quite a number of them are building low-cost houses out of other people’s discarded junk.

The above link takes you to several articles, with cool photos, about various people who are doing just that. (Note that the first, second, and fourth links all cover the work of one man, Dan Phillips of Huntsville, Texas—but with different pictures and narrative).

What I love about this kind of approach is that it simultaneously accomplishes multiple goods:

  • Provides low-cost housing at a time when so many have lost their homes
  • Reduces landfill waste, and thus extends the life of our landfills
  • Demonstrates the viability of other approaches than throwing stuff to rot slowly in a huge heap
  • Reduces the need to harvest virgin materials, and thus cuts back on environmentally destructive practices such as clear-cutting and strip-mining
  • Eliminates the release of significant carbon and other greenhouse gases compared to construction from new materials
  • Encourages all of us to use our creativity and ingenuity  to address the problems of our time
  • Shows yet again that one person can make a difference

Today is Election Day in the United States. And something like the 7th week of the Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Everywhere movement that sprung up in September.

A good day to reflect on different social change strategies—as someone who’s done both grassroots and electoral politics.

I began to get involved in grassroots movements in the fall of 1969, shortly before my 13th birthday. I marched to end the war in Vietnam, was arrested at the 1977 Seabrook occupation trying to shift society away from nuclear power and toward safe energy, and organized on a whole raft of social justice, environmental, and human rights issues over the decades. I even founded the grassroots community group that saved a mountain. This activism led directly to my career as a marketing consultant; much of my early work in marketing drew on my experience doing publicity for the grassroots groups, and my move toward green marketing in the last 12 years or so is a natural outgrowth of my need to braid together these two stands of my life: the activist and the entrepreneur.

On the electoral side, I’ve been an active volunteer on numerous campaigns, managed a successful City Council campaign, wrote press releases for a successful mayoral candidate—and ran three times for local office.

Nonviolent Action Brings Down Governments

This year, we’ve once again seen massive evidence of the power of grassroots nonviolent activism to bring down governments. In Tunisia and then Egypt, deeply entrenched autocratic governments were forced out. (Libya, which was more of a civil war, lots of violence on both sides, is a different case.) Historically, this pattern has shown itself countless times, though often taking much longer to achieve victory. A few worth mentioning: India, 1930s-40s; South Africa, 1976-94; Poland, Czech Republic, and much of the former Soviet bloc, 1968-1990. And yes, we have to put the 1979 revolution in Iran in this category, showing that active nonviolence can be used toward authoritarian as well as democratic ends.

And this is important to note: activists have to have a plan for victory, and for safeguarding the democracies we fight so hard to establish. I’m very concerned right now that Egypt’s new government will prove just as authoritarian as Mubarak’s.

Also, we have to note that nonviolent organizing doesn’t always work. American protestors opposing World War I accomplished very little (though the feminists of the same period accomplished quite a bit). Tibet is still deeply repressed by China, more than 50 years into the occupation.

The Occupy Movement and the Broader World of US Social Protest

While the Occupy protests owe much to this long heritage of nonviolent action, the demands on Wall Street are different than the demands of Arab Spring. The 99 percenters are not looking to toss out the Obama government. They are simply calling for economic justice. They’ve been criticized in mainstream media for a lack of a cohesive vision, but in this situation, a simple cry for justice may be enough.

While inspired by Arab Spring, Occupy’s real roots are in the issue campaigns in the US going back at least into the 19th century: labor, civil rights, peace, feminism, LGBT, safe energy, and so forth—and decision-making structures, especially, owe much to Clamshell Alliance and other players in the 1970s safe energy movement. All of these movements can point to massive victories—to cultural changes. The kinds of oppressive behavior that were considered normal a few decades back are no longer socially acceptable.

Yet many other movements like these also failed to make a difference. The more people in the Occupy movement who can take the time to study what worked and didn’t work in social movements, the more likely they are to achieve their goals.

Electoral Politics

If the process of organizing in the streets seems slow, the process of moving change forward by electing progressives seems glacial. For every Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan who is able to accomplish enormous structural change while in office, there are dozens of Jimmy Carters and Bill Clintons, hamstrung by budgetary constraints, partisan warfare, and their own desire to please everyone (pleasing no one in the process).

I’m not just talking about presidents. Most people enter Congress, or even local political bodies, out of a desire to do good in the world, and are quickly beaten down by the system (or corrupted by the platform it provides to enrich themselves, their financial backers, and their friends). For every fire-and-brimstone Bernie Sanders, there are dozens in office whose names we don’t even know unless we live in their districts—people who are not making much of a difference.

A charismatic figure like Barack Obama can galvanize support and get elected—but then has to either show real progress, fast, in a social structure that moves painfully slowly and is steered by forces outside the victor’s control, or show how the opposition’s intransigence is a roadblock to progress and press for a larger, stronger governing coalition. So far, Obama hasn’t risen to the challenge, though he’s showing signs of moving in that direction. He could still become one of our great presidents—but in failing to act, he risks becoming a one-term nonentity that dashed the hopes of those who voted for change and didn’t receive it.

Occupy Wall Street actually presents Obama a huge opportunity: to embrace the progressive agenda he was elected to advance, to use the anger of the people in the streets to “have his back” as he pushes for real change, and to negate the arguments of Tea Partiers and other right-wing extremists that his minor reforms are “going too fast.” I doubt he’ll seize the moment, but I’d love to be proven wrong.


Here’s a company that’s been selling hand-made recycled art papers since 1998 (think about really cool and classy invitations)—and has just developed a new paper line using post-brewery barley as one of the ingredients—and being smart marketers, billing it as the first beer paper. They sponsored this morning’s HARO, and thus, I learned about them. I clicked over half expecting some very rough page put up by a few carousing fratboys–boy, was I wrong! These people love the earth and love what they do, which is obvious on every page of their site.

The firm is called Twisted Limb, out of Bloomington, Indiana. I love their sustainability page, too.


There’s an awful lot of talk about how Obama has had plenty of time to fix the economy, and it’s his mess now.

While I am not a great fan of Obama, who has done too little, too slowly, on a myriad of issues, I think it’s time to put things in perspective:

Who led the banks run untrammeled and did nothing to stop the plunge into chaos until it was too late? George W. Bush (admittedly, with some help from the repeal of Glass-Stiegel under Clinton).

Who has now killed THREE jobs bills in a row with no meaningful alternative? Republicans in the Congress.

Who chopped so many taxes off the top end of the spectrum that the government can’t seem to fund anything? George W. Bush.

Who refuses to let their ultrawealthy friends pay even a tiny fraction more in taxes to cover the cost of job-creating major infrastructure upgrades? Republicans in the Congress—even though under Eisenhower and Nixon, people in the higher brackets paid considerably higher portions of their income in taxes than they do now.

Who took a huge surplus and turned it into a massive deficit, with the help of two illegal and immoral wars? George W. Bush.

I sure hope the public is paying attention come next November. The entire mission of the Republican Party agenda these days seems to be to sabotage the economy, stall any initiatives of Obama’s (even if they were originally proposed by Republicans) and bring government to a standstill.

It’s ugly, unethical, and I hope, unpopular next election. Throw the bums out!


I love this! Recognizing that they need to be part of the solution and not just the agitation, permaculture experts have started some deep green initiatives including graywater recycling–at Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, home to the original Occupy Wall Street demonstration/encampment.

Once again, the protests remind me of the remarkable communities we had during the Seabrook occupation and our subsequent incarceration at various national guard armories, back in 1977.

Note: if they can do permaculture in an impermanent camp in a city park, we should be able to do it all over the country and the world in our permanent dwellings.


Storm Diary: 55 hours without power

Saturday, October 29, 11 a.m.
With an unseasonal snowstorm predicted here in Western Massachusetts, we’ve been hiking early in the day, watching the sky turn darker and feeling the deep humid chill increasing. We stop at the Amherst Farmers Market and dither over whether we have room in our very crowded freezer for a two-pound bag of organic local ginger root. We finally decide we can squeeze it in amid the bags of frozen corn and string beans from our garden. The farmer tells us to keep it frozen and just break off what we need, “or it will turn to mush.”

2 p.m. It starts to snow. The snow is instantly thick and heavy, and the ground rapidly disappears underneath it. 20 minutes in, our lawn and the street are completely covered.

4:30 p.m. I go back to my office after a break and discover that all my Internet programs have quit themselves. I’d had two browsers, two Twitter clients, and my online backup program going. Normally, if there’s a problem with the Internet, all except the backup program stay live and just report that the connection failed. When I reload my browser, I notice that it has lots its stored password file. My computer is a desktop, so if the power goes out for even a second, the whole thing has to reboot. But it stayed on, and all my non-Internet programs were fine.

6 p.m. Dina’s colleague and his wife have invited us to a Halloween party. They live about ten minutes drive. We have already decided not to go, but they send an email saying, “We’re Minnesotans, and were going ahead with it.” Dina writes back, “We’re New Yorkers, and we’re not driving in this storm.”

6:30 p.m. The lights flicker. Dina suggests we make sure we know where our flashlights and candles are. Good suggestion; we locate two flashlights and have to open a new pack of batteries for one of them. And we get our candles down from the inconvenient place where they usually live. Having stored a lot of water for Irene and not needed it, we fill just one large soup pot.

8:40 p.m. We have several power outages, each lasting only a couple of seconds. I am still restarting the computer when the power goes out again.

9:00 p.m. The lights go out and stay out. We light several candles. When it is clear that they are not going back on any time soon, I turn off various lights and unplug my computer, not wanting to stress things with power surges when power returns. Our phones are also dead. Looking around, it’s clear that the outage has affected the entire neighborhood; the only lights we see are up at our neighbor’s cow barn, and one dim light in their farm store. I use my cell phone to report the outage, looking up the number in my rarely-used phone book. The utility’s automated system tells me power should be restored by around midnight, and that 300 houses in my zip code are without power. We play Scrabble by candlelight and the candle fumes irritate my throat. Our gas stove has an electric ignition, but the burners light just fine with a match, so we make tea. One thing we do have plenty of is kitchen matches. At around 10:30, we go to bed. I expect to be woken up by my digital clock flashing 12:00 at me when the power comes on, but that doesn’t happen. We put one cell on Power Saver so we can check the time, turn the other off.

Sunday, October 30, 6 a.m. I usually sleep only 6 or 6-1/2 hours, but I managed to stay in bed for 7-1/2. I wake up and feel the chilly air, grab one of the flashlights and a fleece sweater, and stay in bed, reading. By about 7:15, I can put the flashlight away. Dina stays asleep until 8:30 or so. I suggest we find a warm place to have breakfast and check our e-mail. When we go downstairs, the thermostat in my office says it’s 51 degrees. A few phone calls yield nothing in our town or the next town.

We text to the status number at the utility. This time, the return text says the outage affects more than 3000 households in our zip code—the entire town. And there is no longer a time posted for restoration. Uh-oh!

We’re better off than a lot of other people. We can cook, we still have water, and our cars are not trapped behind electric garage-door openers that no one remembers how to operate manually. Dina’s laptop and my iPad have battery power, so we can write, even if we can’t communicate online. And our house is blessed with a very sunny dining room with French doors. As the sun pokes over the mountain, we relocate there and that room, at least, starts to be comfortable. It turns out to be a sunny and beautiful day.

11:15 a.m. We have plans to meet some friends several towns east of here and go explore an area we’d never been to. We can’t reach either their cell or their landline. In a moment of cold, housebound craziness, we decide to drive over anyway. Our car, at least, is nice and warm.

Outside, our farmer neighbors have used their plow to give us a huge head start on getting our cars out. Still, it takes a good half-hour to clear our walkway and the 8 inches of snow from the windshield and roof, and dig through the tall, thin wall of snow between us and the street.

The two-lane state highway we live on, Route 47, is shocking. Downed trees everywhere, and water all over the road. We stop on the way to dig out my 81-year-old stepfather Yoshi’s car and make sure he’s OK. We find him jauntily wearing a red beret and a bright sweater, heating water in a fondue pot over a candle. His apartment is much warmer than our house. Leaving his house ten minutes before we’re supposed to meet our friends, we leave another message and say we’ll be late.

And on we press. We dodge around several downed trees on the way to Route 202, a much more important state highway than 47. In the first town, Granby, it’s fine. Then we cross into Belchertown and it looks like a hurricane went through. Several places are down to one line, and in one spot, road crews have blocked off the road going the other way. Our friends are shocked when we actually show up, and we enjoy a nice visit. They have no cell phone service and no water, and an electric garage door opener, so when we hike at the Quabbin Reservoir and I notice a flashing beacon on a nearby cell tower, our friends grab the moment to call their son. And they are grateful for the bathrooms in the park. With colder temperatures in the forecast and the roads such a mess, we cut our visit short to get home well before dark.

Going back, we try to stay on Route 9, the major east-west thoroughfare in these parts. But we are diverted onto Bay Road and then diverted off again. And even on the roads that were still open, we had to drive under at least half a dozen hanging power lines. I know they have no juice at the moment, but it’s still scary. On the radio, we hear a report that one gas station is actually open, so we wind our way through yet another detour and get back on Route 9. For some odd reason, a half-mile strip near the junction of 9 and East Street in Amherst actually has power, and not one but two gas stations are open, along with a couple of stores. The line isn’t even too bad, and we gas up with only about three cars ahead. I thank the clerk for being open and for accepting credit cards on paper slips, and she tells me they’re almost out of gas. It takes us an hour and a half to make the normally 25-minute drive from Belchertown home.

4:45 p.m. We never really got lunch, and I prefer to cook while I can see, so I make an early dinner: hearty, warming food that doesn’t require opening the fridge (which we’re trying to keep closed): curried sweet potatoes and white potatoes, with dried onions and hot peppers from last year’s garden, and a can of chickpeas thrown in. Very satisfying, especially as the temperature in our house starts to drop again.

I think about what it must have been like for Captain John Lyman, who built the house we live in in 1743. He, of course, would have heated with wood, but he would be used to not having very much light once the sun went down, and if he were to ride a horse to Belchertown, it would have taken several hours each way. For the first few years he was here, he had no neighbors, and probably had to grow and store nearly all of his own food.

How much we take our modern life for granted! Computers run our heating systems, our phones, our cars. Cell phones would not have been an option even 20 years ago, but at that time, phones plugged right into the wall jack and didn’t need a power line to run. I actually go up to the attic to see if we have an old, featureless phone still, in the hope that our phone line might be working even if the electricity is not. But we’ve gotten rid of them all.

After dinner, my goal is to stay up until at least 9. I decline another candlelight Scrabble game, and we retreat to the bed where we play two games of Yahtzee under the covers. Oddly enough, I get three Yahtzees and rack up over 400 points. Then I jump on my exercise bike, read some more by flashlight, and turn in around 9:45. We are both sound asleep when our daughter wakes us by texting at the very reasonable hour of 10:15. And we both go right back to sleep, until 7:20. Amazing!

Monday, October 31, 9 a.m. It is 47 degrees in my office. I am wearing a turtleneck, a t-shirt over it, a fleece, a thick wool sweater, and a winter hat. My fingers and toes are really cold. We are sitting in the dining room, waiting impatiently for the sun to burn through the fog and make us warm.

10:38 a.m. The sun has burned through! But it’s a weak November sun. Instead of warming our whole sun room, it barely reaches the edge. We move our chairs right up against the French door to capture what little warmth gets through.

12:30 p.m. We drive over to my Yoshi’s, bearing a Thermos of hot soup—and joy of joys, he has heat and power (but no Internet, yet). We stay for several hours, charge our phones and portable computers using a power strip I’d brought in case we found a working cafe, and leave only to make a quick inspection of our property in Northampton, where we’ve received word that a tree has fallen.

And Northampton has power! We grab a quick 40 minutes to check high-priority e-mail before returning to Yoshi’s warm apartment; he has invited us for dinner.

10:30 p.m. Our normally energy-conscious neighbor’s house is ablaze with light. Every room seems to have a couple of hundred watts glowing away. Either I’m not used to seeing light bulbs anymore or he’s got some kind of supplementary system rigged up that is much brighter than his usual lighting. Our house, however, is still cold and dark. Wonder if the five local little kids came by for trick-or-treat? We had fair-trade organic candy to give them, but we weren’t here to dish it out.

Tuesday, November 1, 3:38 a.m. The sound of Dina’s printer kicking on (her workstation is in our bedroom). The digital clock flashing in our faces. And, hallelujah, the sound of the furnace kicking on in the basement! P O W E R !

6:22 a.m. The house temperature, set for 68, has climbed to 60. I’m used to that; every night before I go to bed, or whenever we go out for a couple of hours or longer, I turn it down to 60. I expect it will reach temperature within two hours or so. Now I have to reconnect with the world and deal with the no-doubt enormous backlog that has accumulated in my absence.

9:05 a.m. I try to make an outbound call and discover our landline is still out. Freshly-charged cell phone works just fine, though.

9:14 a.m. I receive my first incoming call. I hang it up, and there’s a dialtone. YES!


A new poll by the University of Texas shows 76 percent of Americans think we should be doing more on renewable energy—so we’ve made good progress in penetrating consciousness.

Yet only 5 percent see energy or the environment as the top government priorities. Jobs, not surprisingly, topped the list with 37 percent.


I have long said that your brand is the sum of people’s perceptions of you–real or imagined. Customers and prospects weigh more heavily in the construction of a brand than people outside your sphere, but all of it counts.

And that’s why bad customer service can undo all the hard and expensive work you might be doing with traditional branding such as your logo, slogan, appearance of your facility, and so forth.

If you don’t believe me, go read Tracey Ahring’s customer service horror story—and note what she called it: “Marketing Lessons from the Water Company.” Like me, she sees customer service as very much a marketing function, and you might get a kick out of watching tear this clueless company to ribbons. While this particular company is a monopoly, most of the time, our customers have choices of where they bring their purchasing dollars. And when a company behaves like this, it not only loses those dollars forever, but also the money their friends and colleagues and 10,000 social media friends might have spent.


Fascinating article by Marc Stoiber on how Patagonia’s latest environmental initiatives tells customers not to buy what they don’t need, and to make what they do buy last forever. And if it doesn’t last forever, Patagonia will take it back and recycle it for you.

It may be counter to common logic, but Stoiber thinks this will increase sales, and tells why. And I agree, for reasons I cite in my latest book, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green—that caring and an envirnmental/soial justice agenda build fans and build the brand.

Patagonia is always a great company to watch and learn from, and this initiative does not surprise me.
