Republican Senators: Please read this TODAY

Dear Republican senators,

Before you vote not to convict, please consider a few things:

  1. If you are worried about a primary challenge from Trump supporters, put those worries aside. If you vote to acquit, you will face a challenge from at least one person who believes in the Constitution. It might be in the primary, it might be in the general election, and it might be both. If you are worried about death threats if you vote to acquit, that is one of the strongest reasons not only to convict but to make sure that those identified as committing violent acts on January 6th are swiftly brought to justice and serving long prison terms. Appeasement of bullies didn’t work with Hitler, didn’t work with Trump, and won’t work with a bunch of white nationalist hoodlums. Giving in will only embolden them and make it less safe for you as you try to do your job in a climate of increasing street violence by heavily armed thugs.
    Noose erected by rioters at the Capitol. January 6, 2021
    A gallows hangs near the United States Capitol during the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol. Photo by Tyler Merbler, licensed under Creative Commons.
  2. It is in your self-interest to make sure as many as possible are identified, arrested, and convicted. Potential future rioters must know ahead of time that they will face major consequences for threatening the lives and safety of our elected representatives and for vandalizing our public spaces. And for those of you considering a run for president in 2024, you don’t want to face him again i the primaries.
  3. If you are one of those who voted to impeach or convict President Clinton for not keeping his pants zipped and lying about it, recognize that what the 45th president did was far, far worse. He even tried to turn House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s desperate plea for help during the insurrection into  “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” I don’t justify Clinton’s conduct. I only ask you to look at why you were willing to throw one president out of office for something that only affected himself, his family, and Ms Lewinsky but are not willing to hold accountable another who is entire presidency was mired in corruption, ending in clear incitement to overthrow our system of government.
  4. If there were pipe bombs planted in advance of the January 6th insurrection, doesn’t that only provide more evidence to the Impeachment Managers’ argument that the incitement didn’t start on January 6th? It started well before the election.
  5. This is your last chance to have history cast you in a positive light. Do you want to be remembered for understanding that your country, your republic, is more important to you than being loyal to a man who has been loyal to no one, even willing to throw fiercely loyal Vice President Pence and Attorney General Barr to the wolves because he saw even them as so insufficiently loyal that Pence’s personal safety was not a matter of concern? Or do you want to be remembered as such a coward that you put your chances of re-election–which will be no sure thing even if you vote to acquit, as I’ve noted above–ahead of your oath of office?

The choice is yours. History is watching. Do the right thing. Vote to convict.


A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at

1 Comment on “Republican Senators: Please read this TODAY

  1. Trump was calling for peace if you watch the real speech, not the version edited for TV. He spoke later than anticipated, so the ‘operation’ at the Capitol began much earlier while he was still speaking.

    Mainstream media never showed the hours of citizen footage showing agitators posing as Trump supporters (many in orange hats and black skinny jeans never seen before by Trump supporters). Photos show a group in all black being led by a cop into a room inside the Capitol. One of many like it.

    Pelosi refused security at the Capitol, while cops were somehow allowed to open up the Capitol to anyone. 3 cops committed suicide. The media lied about how 2 people died, actually from natural causes. A cop shot a woman point-blank who had no weapon, while the people all around her seemed not to cover from him. The tattoos on the chest of the guy with horns are the same symbols used by other agitators and bad actors around the world, yet no reporting on this.

    The media will not show the million peaceful people in Washington, many with baby carriages, who had no idea a minority of people were acting out in the Capitol. Even many inside the Capitol were walking inside the ropes thought they were lawful due to police letting them in.

    It’s not Trump who is hated by the party — It’s the more than half of America who are tired of administrations that call for ‘building back better’ with more sold-out Congressional wars profiting off weapons and human trafficking — that allow our own cities to burn down.

    Modern politics has devolved from discussing policy to 24/7 accusations.