Martin Luther King, Jr., Glenn Beck, and the "Ground Zero Mosque" #blogboost
Today marks the 47th anniversary of the March on Washington, and of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Right-wing extremists Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin will dishonor King’s memory by having a rally on the same site, opposed to all the values King held dear.
I’m okay with that, actually. I’d never go, other than to hold a counterprotest sign—but I believe strongly in the 1st Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. As did King, by the way.
I think Beck and Palin are despicable. I also think they have every right to hold their gathering of the lunatic fringe. And I’m aware that I’ve taken plenty of stands over my career for which others would paint me as “lunatic fringe.” Some of them are now mainstream, such as aiming for zero waste, repurposing rooftop space into food and energy collectors, and getting the heck off fossil and nuclear power sources—but they sure weren’t 30 or 40 years ago. I would not have granted then, and don’t grant now, the right of others to tell me how to think, and I don’t claim that same privilege against others whom I disagree with. The right to try to convince them, certainly—but NEVER to dictate what is or is not acceptable thought.
I remember holding a lone protest in front of the local courthouse when the U.S. bombed Lybia. The first day, I got a lot of middle fingers and angry shouts. By the second day, a few people had joined me. On the third day, with a larger crowd, we were getting mostly thumbs ups and supportive honks. It was hard, on that first day. But I remembered my favorite Abraham Lincoln quote, “It is a sin to be silent when it is your duty to protest.” Taking an unpopular position didn’t take the burden off me to take a stand.
And some of my positions are still out of the mainstream—so far. One such is that a Muslim group has every right to practice that other First Amendment right, freedom of worship—even two blocks from Ground Zero. As Keith Olbermann pointed out recently, there’s already been an Islamic center coexisting in that neighborhood since before the World Trade Center was even built. But even if there weren’t, this country was founded on the principle that people can peaceably assemble, worship the God of our choice (or no God, if we choose), and say what we want to say even if it makes others unhappy. That’s what made us the shining light of Democracy for the world, the example that so many other nations wanted to follow. Those are American values that I hold dear. And I predict that they will once again return to the mainstream of an America that seems to have forgotten its proud heritage.
It means the right to build an Islamic Center—a gathering place for peaceful worship and community activities—on an abandoned site a few blocks from Ground Zero, and it means that Beck and Palin are appropriately permitted for their disgusting festival of intolerance. The appropriate reaction is boycott or counterprotest, not an attempt to silence those we disagree with.
And stop using that lame leftist straw man to try to justify it. No one has told the Muslims that they can’t build a mosque. Those of us who oppose are saying “don’t do it THERE.” There are zoning ordinances across the nation that dictate where various businesses and other organizations can build. This is no different. There has already been discussion in NY about allowing this bunch to put the mosque somewhere else. But now that Obama has (again) stuck his nose in where it doesn’t belong, things are escalating out of control.
We’ll have to just agree to disagree. Thanks for posting.
And stop using that lame leftist straw man to try to justify it. No one has told the Muslims that they can’t build a mosque. Those of us who oppose are saying “don’t do it THERE.” There are zoning ordinances across the nation that dictate where various businesses and other organizations can build. This is no different. There has already been discussion in NY about allowing this bunch to put the mosque somewhere else. But now that Obama has (again) stuck his nose in where it doesn’t belong, things are escalating out of control.
We’ll have to just agree to disagree. Thanks for posting.
Thank you! I love the bit about courage = fear that said its prayers and showed up.
Thank you! I love the bit about courage = fear that said its prayers and showed up.
If I were doing their PR, I’d be focused on linking the two messages with a very different spin: That this is outreach form the Islamic world to the victims and heroes of 911, that this is deliberately chosen to repudiate the violence of a small renegade group of Muslims who committed the atrocity, etc. they’ve let the right wing steal all the talking points, and what should have been a no-brainer has become a flash point.
If I were doing their PR, I’d be focused on linking the two messages with a very different spin: That this is outreach form the Islamic world to the victims and heroes of 911, that this is deliberately chosen to repudiate the violence of a small renegade group of Muslims who committed the atrocity, etc. they’ve let the right wing steal all the talking points, and what should have been a no-brainer has become a flash point.
The right to build an Islamic center…I totally agree with, however I do question their choice of the placement so near the site of Ground Zero as the emotions of so many are still so prevalent.
The right to build an Islamic center…I totally agree with, however I do question their choice of the placement so near the site of Ground Zero as the emotions of so many are still so prevalent.
It does seem that many people feel the freedoms only apply to what they want for themselves in their narrow, self-absorbed and fearful world. I believe the universe is expanding toward good, but it can be hard to see that sometimes when the hate-mongers get started (usually with an earnest, righteous expression and a lot of flag waving to distract from what they are really saying).
You sound like you have a lot of courage — fear that has said its prayers and shows up to do the right thing!
It does seem that many people feel the freedoms only apply to what they want for themselves in their narrow, self-absorbed and fearful world. I believe the universe is expanding toward good, but it can be hard to see that sometimes when the hate-mongers get started (usually with an earnest, righteous expression and a lot of flag waving to distract from what they are really saying).
You sound like you have a lot of courage — fear that has said its prayers and shows up to do the right thing!