According to a new study by Environmental Health Perspectives, biking instead of driving for trips under five miles turns out not only to be healthful, cleaner, more fun, etc.–it’s also apparently good for the economy to replace car trips with bike trips.

As a long-term bike fan (and sometime bike commuter all the way back to high school), I’m not surprised.

(via @undriving)


Busy week of interviews. Catch me talking about green marketing:
November 15, 8:00 pm ET/5 pm PT, January Jones interviews me: 818-431-8506

November 16, 7 pm ET/4 pm PT: Interviewed on Your15Minutes Radio’s “Brand This” with Shaun Walker and Reid Stone,

November 17, 11 a.m. ET/8 am PT: Interviewed by Susan Rich on “Get Noticed Now.”

November 25, interview with Susan Davis on Good and Green Radio will become available at as well as at iTunes


Here’s a description that Susan Rich wrote. It’s pretty accurate for all four calls:

Join get-you-noticed expert and internet radio host Susan Rich as she talks marketing ideas that help you grab attention and drives sales.

This week she’ll be joined by the ultimate expert in Get-You-Noticed tactics: copywriter, marketing consultant, author, and speaker Shel Horowitz. He has published eight books on the topic, the latest is: Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green.


Storm Diary: 55 hours without power

Saturday, October 29, 11 a.m.
With an unseasonal snowstorm predicted here in Western Massachusetts, we’ve been hiking early in the day, watching the sky turn darker and feeling the deep humid chill increasing. We stop at the Amherst Farmers Market and dither over whether we have room in our very crowded freezer for a two-pound bag of organic local ginger root. We finally decide we can squeeze it in amid the bags of frozen corn and string beans from our garden. The farmer tells us to keep it frozen and just break off what we need, “or it will turn to mush.”

2 p.m. It starts to snow. The snow is instantly thick and heavy, and the ground rapidly disappears underneath it. 20 minutes in, our lawn and the street are completely covered.

4:30 p.m. I go back to my office after a break and discover that all my Internet programs have quit themselves. I’d had two browsers, two Twitter clients, and my online backup program going. Normally, if there’s a problem with the Internet, all except the backup program stay live and just report that the connection failed. When I reload my browser, I notice that it has lots its stored password file. My computer is a desktop, so if the power goes out for even a second, the whole thing has to reboot. But it stayed on, and all my non-Internet programs were fine.

6 p.m. Dina’s colleague and his wife have invited us to a Halloween party. They live about ten minutes drive. We have already decided not to go, but they send an email saying, “We’re Minnesotans, and were going ahead with it.” Dina writes back, “We’re New Yorkers, and we’re not driving in this storm.”

6:30 p.m. The lights flicker. Dina suggests we make sure we know where our flashlights and candles are. Good suggestion; we locate two flashlights and have to open a new pack of batteries for one of them. And we get our candles down from the inconvenient place where they usually live. Having stored a lot of water for Irene and not needed it, we fill just one large soup pot.

8:40 p.m. We have several power outages, each lasting only a couple of seconds. I am still restarting the computer when the power goes out again.

9:00 p.m. The lights go out and stay out. We light several candles. When it is clear that they are not going back on any time soon, I turn off various lights and unplug my computer, not wanting to stress things with power surges when power returns. Our phones are also dead. Looking around, it’s clear that the outage has affected the entire neighborhood; the only lights we see are up at our neighbor’s cow barn, and one dim light in their farm store. I use my cell phone to report the outage, looking up the number in my rarely-used phone book. The utility’s automated system tells me power should be restored by around midnight, and that 300 houses in my zip code are without power. We play Scrabble by candlelight and the candle fumes irritate my throat. Our gas stove has an electric ignition, but the burners light just fine with a match, so we make tea. One thing we do have plenty of is kitchen matches. At around 10:30, we go to bed. I expect to be woken up by my digital clock flashing 12:00 at me when the power comes on, but that doesn’t happen. We put one cell on Power Saver so we can check the time, turn the other off.

Sunday, October 30, 6 a.m. I usually sleep only 6 or 6-1/2 hours, but I managed to stay in bed for 7-1/2. I wake up and feel the chilly air, grab one of the flashlights and a fleece sweater, and stay in bed, reading. By about 7:15, I can put the flashlight away. Dina stays asleep until 8:30 or so. I suggest we find a warm place to have breakfast and check our e-mail. When we go downstairs, the thermostat in my office says it’s 51 degrees. A few phone calls yield nothing in our town or the next town.

We text to the status number at the utility. This time, the return text says the outage affects more than 3000 households in our zip code—the entire town. And there is no longer a time posted for restoration. Uh-oh!

We’re better off than a lot of other people. We can cook, we still have water, and our cars are not trapped behind electric garage-door openers that no one remembers how to operate manually. Dina’s laptop and my iPad have battery power, so we can write, even if we can’t communicate online. And our house is blessed with a very sunny dining room with French doors. As the sun pokes over the mountain, we relocate there and that room, at least, starts to be comfortable. It turns out to be a sunny and beautiful day.

11:15 a.m. We have plans to meet some friends several towns east of here and go explore an area we’d never been to. We can’t reach either their cell or their landline. In a moment of cold, housebound craziness, we decide to drive over anyway. Our car, at least, is nice and warm.

Outside, our farmer neighbors have used their plow to give us a huge head start on getting our cars out. Still, it takes a good half-hour to clear our walkway and the 8 inches of snow from the windshield and roof, and dig through the tall, thin wall of snow between us and the street.

The two-lane state highway we live on, Route 47, is shocking. Downed trees everywhere, and water all over the road. We stop on the way to dig out my 81-year-old stepfather Yoshi’s car and make sure he’s OK. We find him jauntily wearing a red beret and a bright sweater, heating water in a fondue pot over a candle. His apartment is much warmer than our house. Leaving his house ten minutes before we’re supposed to meet our friends, we leave another message and say we’ll be late.

And on we press. We dodge around several downed trees on the way to Route 202, a much more important state highway than 47. In the first town, Granby, it’s fine. Then we cross into Belchertown and it looks like a hurricane went through. Several places are down to one line, and in one spot, road crews have blocked off the road going the other way. Our friends are shocked when we actually show up, and we enjoy a nice visit. They have no cell phone service and no water, and an electric garage door opener, so when we hike at the Quabbin Reservoir and I notice a flashing beacon on a nearby cell tower, our friends grab the moment to call their son. And they are grateful for the bathrooms in the park. With colder temperatures in the forecast and the roads such a mess, we cut our visit short to get home well before dark.

Going back, we try to stay on Route 9, the major east-west thoroughfare in these parts. But we are diverted onto Bay Road and then diverted off again. And even on the roads that were still open, we had to drive under at least half a dozen hanging power lines. I know they have no juice at the moment, but it’s still scary. On the radio, we hear a report that one gas station is actually open, so we wind our way through yet another detour and get back on Route 9. For some odd reason, a half-mile strip near the junction of 9 and East Street in Amherst actually has power, and not one but two gas stations are open, along with a couple of stores. The line isn’t even too bad, and we gas up with only about three cars ahead. I thank the clerk for being open and for accepting credit cards on paper slips, and she tells me they’re almost out of gas. It takes us an hour and a half to make the normally 25-minute drive from Belchertown home.

4:45 p.m. We never really got lunch, and I prefer to cook while I can see, so I make an early dinner: hearty, warming food that doesn’t require opening the fridge (which we’re trying to keep closed): curried sweet potatoes and white potatoes, with dried onions and hot peppers from last year’s garden, and a can of chickpeas thrown in. Very satisfying, especially as the temperature in our house starts to drop again.

I think about what it must have been like for Captain John Lyman, who built the house we live in in 1743. He, of course, would have heated with wood, but he would be used to not having very much light once the sun went down, and if he were to ride a horse to Belchertown, it would have taken several hours each way. For the first few years he was here, he had no neighbors, and probably had to grow and store nearly all of his own food.

How much we take our modern life for granted! Computers run our heating systems, our phones, our cars. Cell phones would not have been an option even 20 years ago, but at that time, phones plugged right into the wall jack and didn’t need a power line to run. I actually go up to the attic to see if we have an old, featureless phone still, in the hope that our phone line might be working even if the electricity is not. But we’ve gotten rid of them all.

After dinner, my goal is to stay up until at least 9. I decline another candlelight Scrabble game, and we retreat to the bed where we play two games of Yahtzee under the covers. Oddly enough, I get three Yahtzees and rack up over 400 points. Then I jump on my exercise bike, read some more by flashlight, and turn in around 9:45. We are both sound asleep when our daughter wakes us by texting at the very reasonable hour of 10:15. And we both go right back to sleep, until 7:20. Amazing!

Monday, October 31, 9 a.m. It is 47 degrees in my office. I am wearing a turtleneck, a t-shirt over it, a fleece, a thick wool sweater, and a winter hat. My fingers and toes are really cold. We are sitting in the dining room, waiting impatiently for the sun to burn through the fog and make us warm.

10:38 a.m. The sun has burned through! But it’s a weak November sun. Instead of warming our whole sun room, it barely reaches the edge. We move our chairs right up against the French door to capture what little warmth gets through.

12:30 p.m. We drive over to my Yoshi’s, bearing a Thermos of hot soup—and joy of joys, he has heat and power (but no Internet, yet). We stay for several hours, charge our phones and portable computers using a power strip I’d brought in case we found a working cafe, and leave only to make a quick inspection of our property in Northampton, where we’ve received word that a tree has fallen.

And Northampton has power! We grab a quick 40 minutes to check high-priority e-mail before returning to Yoshi’s warm apartment; he has invited us for dinner.

10:30 p.m. Our normally energy-conscious neighbor’s house is ablaze with light. Every room seems to have a couple of hundred watts glowing away. Either I’m not used to seeing light bulbs anymore or he’s got some kind of supplementary system rigged up that is much brighter than his usual lighting. Our house, however, is still cold and dark. Wonder if the five local little kids came by for trick-or-treat? We had fair-trade organic candy to give them, but we weren’t here to dish it out.

Tuesday, November 1, 3:38 a.m. The sound of Dina’s printer kicking on (her workstation is in our bedroom). The digital clock flashing in our faces. And, hallelujah, the sound of the furnace kicking on in the basement! P O W E R !

6:22 a.m. The house temperature, set for 68, has climbed to 60. I’m used to that; every night before I go to bed, or whenever we go out for a couple of hours or longer, I turn it down to 60. I expect it will reach temperature within two hours or so. Now I have to reconnect with the world and deal with the no-doubt enormous backlog that has accumulated in my absence.

9:05 a.m. I try to make an outbound call and discover our landline is still out. Freshly-charged cell phone works just fine, though.

9:14 a.m. I receive my first incoming call. I hang it up, and there’s a dialtone. YES!


A new poll by the University of Texas shows 76 percent of Americans think we should be doing more on renewable energy—so we’ve made good progress in penetrating consciousness.

Yet only 5 percent see energy or the environment as the top government priorities. Jobs, not surprisingly, topped the list with 37 percent.


In this month’s newsletter, I wrote about the most elaborate press kit I’ve ever received, including a video player, a bottle, and more. To see, please click the link above and then click on “current issue” (that should work until about November 15).

I’d love to know what you think about it. Meanwhile, I got a reader response, and permission to share with you. If you have a response, please share it at the bottom of *this* page.

Wow, I’d wonder how many of THOSE packages the author or his minions had prepared and sent out. I would definitely want to at least scan the book to see where such marketing techniques are discussed, and I’d certainly (based on my own curiosity having been so piqued) be interested in a substantive discussion of such marketing and the strategies and principles that underlie it.

I’d also like to know if such a strategy gets results, or just a momentary interest.

Or if those two are actually the same thing.

And then, how does one translate principles at the heart of something like that — targeted to people interested in the very fact of the marketing campaign (a marketing expert!), who might be expected to look deeper into the marketing itself even if it were not so intricate — to selling, say, hair shampoo or breakfast food, where the motivation to look deeper would be less ever-present?

And finally, for us po’ folk, how do WE do something in any way similar to THAT! (Without being served a cease and desist order from Heinz Ketchup). Pat. PS- You can quote me, if you’ve a mind to and anything I said was not said by ten or twenty other people more concisely or entertainingly.

— Pat Goudey O’Brien
PGO Editorial Resource
The Tamarac Press
141 A Tamarac St
Warren, VT 05674

I know nothing about this, but I just came across a link to a patented technology that claims to nonpollutingly harness the massive energy from extremely high-pressure, high-temperature undersea volcanoes. they claim any single installation captures several times  as much energy as a large nuclear power plant.

Thinking about the problems caused by the BP undersea oil rig, I have questions. But I’d love to see that this actually works. Anyone know more about it?


There’s a popular deli and bakery in my area that we’d been patronizing for about 25 years—but I’m not in a rush to go back right now.

Knowing that we were gong to have a series of small memorial gatherings for my late mother (according to the Jewish custom, “sitting shiva”), a friend of Dina’s ordered a bunch of pastries to be delivered to us Wednesday between 3-5 (the gathering started at 7). We were delighted, and made a point of rushing home to be here when the precious goodies showed up.

Except that they didn’t. And at 5:15 p.m., when Dina called to find out where they were, she got a clueless young man who said the delivery driver had already left for the day. “I see your order right here, and I don’t know why it didn’t go out” was about the extent of what he could think of. He implied that he could have the brownies delivered the following day, and Dina told him she expected fresh ones, not those getting stale after never being delivered when they were supposed to.

It didn’t occur to him that he could call somebody to come in and make the delivery. It didn’t occur to him that he could offer any kind of make-good (or even a credit to our friend who had ordered the undelivered merchandise). And it didn’t occur to him that it was the store’s responsibility to remedy the situation—even after some prompting. He told her to call back tomorrow. Dina suggested that it was more appropriate under the circumstances for the store to call us, and he took down our number (after some more prompting).

Thursday came and went with no call from the store. Slightly earlier in the day, Dina called again and was met with a slightly more intelligent person who said she’d been at the store when she’d called the previous day, and that she would make sure the owner took care of it the following morning. I didn’t understand why if there were two people working, one of them couldn’t have gotten the order out to us when we called the first day. And she also told Dina to call back the following day, which got Dina pretty irritated. She told the woman she’d already wasted a lot of time on this and it was the store’s responsibility to call back.

And in fact, the following morning (Friday), the owner called back personally with an appropriate, if tardy, apology and make-good: a full credit for our friend, and a gift certificate (unknown amount) for us. For this reason, I’m not naming the offender. Hopefully, the gift cert will show up in ample time to use for the large public memorial we’ll host in November.

But think about the cost to this store: a number of our friends in the area (plus of course, the out-of-towner who’d given the gift) know which store did this, and will will likely go elsewhere if they need anything delivered at a specific time. And we, quite frankly, will be much less likely to go there at all, despite a relationship of more than two decades. Meanwhile, the friend who placed the order left left a withering review on Yelp, which will haunt the store for a long time to come.

It wasn’t the mistake; mistakes happen. It was the shabby way we were treated once the mistake was acknowledged that left a bad impression, the more so because we are actively grieving the loss of my mother, and it was made clear that this delivery was for a memorial gathering.

Unfortunately, wretched customer service is all-too-common in our society. Business owners don’t realize that these experiences undo a lot of their marketing and a lot of their good will.

Here are three lessons you can take away and implement in your own business, so that you’re not the one getting bad word-of-mouth/word-of-mouse:

  • Make sure your front-line people have excellent customer service skills. It doesn’t take much to be empathic, sympathetic, and show that you’re trying to solve the problem, and failure to do so has negative impact on your business.
  • Train every employeeon how to respond to customer service issues. Our clueless guy should have had a written checklist of what to do, if he wasn’t bright enough to figure it out on his own.
  • Empower your employees to make things right. the cost of a credit and make-good is almost always far less than the cost of lost business and sullied reputation.

This is really exciting: Germany, already a leader in the safe energy space—in fact, my solar inverter, installed back in 2004, was built in Germany—has rejected nuclear power. Germany has pledged to permanently close the seven plants taken off-line following Fukushima, and shut all of its 17 n-plants by 2022.

Remember: Germany is a cloudy northern European country. If solar can work there, it can work just about anywhere—and Germany’s clean energy industry already employs an impressive 370,000 people.

Germany was also the birthplace of the modern safe-energy/anti-nuclear movement, back around 1975, and had a huge influence on the creation of Clamshell Alliance and the US safe energy movement in the next few years after that. And citizen action clearly played a role. As the AP story noted:

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets after Fukushima to urge the government to shut all reactors quickly.

Meanwhile, Switzerland’s cabinet is recommending to Parliament that the country phase out all its reactors by 2034. And Vermont, which is both defending itself against a lawsuit by Vermont Yankee nuclear plant owner Energy attacking its right to regulate the plant and suing the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission over an improper license extension, submitted legal documents pointing out that Entergy knew perfectly well in 2001 when it bought Vermont Yankee that the plant was scheduled to close in 2012, waited to the last minute to challenge it, and therefore has no right to a preliminary injunction forbidding the state from closing the plant at the end of the license period.


Last year, I set myself up with Cinchcast: a nifty free service that lets you record anything and post it. In the beginning, I was recording my blog posts.

But I’ve gotten lazy. I haven’t made a new Cinch since late November. Then, thanks to this page of tips on repurposing content (mine is #10, BTW), I discovered, which automatically records every blog post (it even went back several weeks when I set it up). And then it feeds in to iTunes and other  good streams. Even offers a revenue share on ads.

Odiogo promises bloggers “’Near-human’ quality text-to-speech.” Well, maybe if your idea of human speech is some very nervous person reading a presentation in a near-monotone. It’s got a long way to go before it sounds human to me.

But then again, I know people who read books on their phones. So the quality isn’t great, but it’s there and I don’t have to do anything. I’ll still try to be better about Cinching, but at least those who prefer to consume my blog in audio don’t have to wait for me to remember to record.

I invite you to compare for yourself. Links to both my Cinchast page and my Odiogo page are in this blog post.
