I had the good fortune to follow Dr. Ron Capps, a/k/a “The Niche Prof,” speaking at Willie Crawford’s 50th birthday celebration in Orlando.
Ron started his speech by saying, don’t worry about taking notes; I’ll send you my slides. But please feel free to Tweet. I was one of several people who took him up on it; these are my Tweets about his talk (in reverse chronological order, as they appear on my Twitter page, shorthand, typos and all–these were all sent while he was speaking. The #bbash tag enables anyone to search for all the Tweets about this conference and find these):
Don’t cheat the process. Having a baby in 3 mos is NO blessing. @NicheProf, #bbash from web
…or where they will find you. So you’ve got to be everywhere (and everywhen), via Ping.fm. @NicheProf, #bbash from web
Social media is farming: nurturing yr reputation & the relationships. & You never know what people respond to…. @NicheProf, #bbash from web
(I still prefer to brand my name) Why not to brand 2 yr name: 1. Too common 2. No exit strategy. @NicheProf, #bbash from web
You can meet people online you could never meet f2f. Post great content & people’ll start talking abt you:@NicheProf, #bbash from web
RTs are Inernet gold: @NicheProf, #bbash from web
30K new jobs posted 7 dys at TwitterJobSearch: @NicheProf, #bbash from web
Soc net profiles that give an edge: support yr claims, good spelling/grammr–soldify hiring decision @NicheProf, #bbash from web
20% firms (& univs) are screening profiles and SEing you-Neg impression could be VY expensive. @NicheProf, #bbash from web
Not who you know, who knows you. And you get known via social media: @NicheProf, #bbash from web
Think about what happens when five or ten attenders are actively Tweeting the highlights of your talk in real time. Think about how many people might see it, learn about you, click on your screenname, start following you, see over the next several months several more streams of Tweets about how great you are–and then that person happens to be planning a meeting. Who are they going to call–you–or some stranger they’ve never heard of?
I’d already panned to offer attenders a copy of the slides, and was certainly hoping to be Tweeted. And I immediately stole Ron’s idea and asked for Tweets early in my talk. These are the Tweets (if I missed any, I apologize). Do you think they might help my career?
Caught_Thriving: @CaseStevens some really good stuff from @nicheprof and @shelhorowitz earlier #bbash
MichealSavoie: Finding that @shelhorowitz is an outstanding speaker who offers a LOT of very actionable information! Follow him! #BBASH
marismith: @mrebay LOL. Hi Kevin! Way cool you’re hanging with many of my fave peeps at #BBASH @FeliciaSlattery @lynnterry @LauraFenamore @shelhorowitz
mrebay: @ShelHorowitz is an awesome marketer!!!! Testimonials in your book can get your referrals and business #BBASH
changenetwork: RT @DrMollieMarti “RT @FeliciaSlattery: Honesty, integrity, quality = the magic triangle of business ethics. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH”
marismith: RT @DrMollieMarti: RT @FeliciaSlattery: Honesty, integrity, quality = the magic triangle of business ethics. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH [Yes!!]
raleighgirl: Retweeting @FeliciaSlattery: competence is the other half of trust @ShelHorowitz #BBASH (it’s also one of my 3cs of credibility!)
FeliciaSlattery: competence is the other half of trust @ShelHorowitz #BBASH (it’s also one of my 3cs of credibility!)
FeliciaSlattery: When you do business w/ ethics & integrity you get more of everything: JVs, customers, referrals. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH
FeliciaSlattery: Customer evangelization is abt as good as it gets. Those who tell the world abt you. Comes from doing biz w/ integrity. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH
DrMollieMarti: RT @FeliciaSlattery: Honesty, integrity, quality = the magic triangle of business ethics. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH
FeliciaSlattery: Holy moly: @ShelHorowitz just used ME & what I spoke about yesterday on one of his slides. I [heart] him now. LOL #BBASH
jimdonovan: I’ve known @ShelHorowitz for a dozen years and he’s one of the true good guys. ##BBASH
life_enthusiast: @FeliciaSlattery I second what @MariSmith said. RT @MariSmith We need more peeps with HIGH standards, ethics, eh! #BBASH
marismith: @FeliciaSlattery Brilliant!! That’s what I love about @ShelHorowitz. We need more peeps with HIGH standards, ethics, eh! #BBASH
FeliciaSlattery: @marismith yep @ShelHorowitz is on stage now giving awesome content abt ethics. He turns down $$ when it’s not a good fit for him. #BBASH
marismith: @FeliciaSlattery Oh, is @ShelHorowitz on stage right now at #BBASH? Give him a hug for me, Shel is the BEST!!
mrjaredjames: @FeliciaSlattery RT: “Honesty, integrity, quality = the magic triangle of business ethics.” Super col. From #BBASH ?
Raven73: RT @FeliciaSlattery: You want to be attracting rather than chasing business. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH
FeliciaSlattery: Honesty, integrity, quality = the magic triangle of business ethics. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH his work is grounded in value & ethics
MichealSavoie: Why are you REALLY in business? @shelhorowitz #BBASH
FeliciaSlattery: RT @lynnterry: @shelhorowitz is speaking at #bbash – last speaker of the day. talking ethics, relationships, expertise
neestaples: RT @FeliciaSlattery: You want to be attracting rather than chasing business. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH
lynnterry: @shelhorowitz is speaking at #bbash – last speaker of the day. talking ethics, relationships, expertise
FeliciaSlattery: You want to be attracting rather than chasing business. @ShelHorowitz #BBASH
FeliciaSlattery: @ShelHorowitz getting started @ #BBASH. His attention-getter had everyone standing up & hugging ourselves. Yay!
One thing to point out here: Several people who retweeted or commented in this conversation weren’t even at the conference! And one of those was social media rockstar Mari Smith, who Fast Company dubbed “The Pied Piper of Facebook,” and who is personally responsible for getting me (and probably hundreds of others) onto Facebook. Mari has 24,205 followers! However many of them happened to be online during my speech saw her multiple endorsements of me within a few minutes’ time.
Oh yes, and meeting planers can use this too. Allison Nazarian included me in an expert teleseminar series this winter. Even though she was interviewing, she managed to Tweet coverage of every speaker, which you can follow here. (The ones about me, specifically, are here: https://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23DIY09+%40shelhorowitz