One Author Fights Back Against Amazon’s Latest Stab IN The Back
This is a guest post by Edward Hasbrouck, author of The Practical Nomad, in a rebuttal to Amazon’s latest blow against independent bookstores: getting its customers to spy on them for price checks and then buy online. Remember: when big dogs attack, we are stronger in a circle than standing alone.
Here’s Edward now.
—Shel Horowitz wants you to browse your local bookstore to find the books you want, then go to to see if you can get them cheaper online. Why not turn the tables? Go ahead and browse the reviews on to find books that might interest you—then order them from your local bookstore, where there are no shipping charges and you can pick books up at your convenience without having to wait at home for a delivery.
The links from both my own Web site ( and my publisher’s site for my book series ( go to Powells. if you sign up as a “affiliate”, and include the appropriate code in your links, you also get a cut of sales referred from those links. Small, but royalties on book sales are also small, and every penny helps. It took some effort to get my publisher to link from their site to for my books instead of (their default), but eventually they agreed.
You can also create direct links for a specific book from Indiebound/Booksense, a joint online marketing effort of local independent bookstores. If someone follows the link, they can find out what store has the book in stock nearby, or request that a copy be sent to a store near them for pickup. And as with Powell’s, you sign up with them as an affiliate to get a small referral commission.