Is the Far Right Only Pro-Life Until Birth?

Some of the comments regarding abortion doctor George Tiller, who was brutally murdered in his church yesterday are just disgusting. Bill O’Reilly, who has been attacking Tiller for years, called him a Nazi and a baby-killer, and made this crack:

And if I could get my hands on Tiller — well, you know. Can’t be vigilantes.

Randall Terry of Operation Rescue called him a mass-murderer.

From what I’ve heard about Tiller, he was a sensitive, caring man who believed in a woman’s ethical right to control her own body.

I can respect the truly pro-life, such as Catholic Worker pacifists who oppose both abortion and war. But I have always found it odd that so many of the people who scream loudest that they’re pro-life, at least as far as unborn fetuses are concerned, suddenly lose their righteous stance when it comes to

  • Sending kids off to die in wars
  • The death penalty
  • Vigilante “justice”
  • Sometimes-fatal torture in prison
  • Bombing civilians
  • If you’re really pro-life, then BE pro-life! Even after birth.


    A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at

    14 Comments on “Is the Far Right Only Pro-Life Until Birth?

    1. I agree with Randy that those who crusade against abortion should be extending support to the moms who are too-often left behind. But not that adults should necessarily “fend for themselves.” The world I want to live in is one that extends support in thousands of ways, that builds real community.

      Chas: You write that war is not a punishment. To the people in whose territory the war is fought, it is certainly gong to feel that way! Their loved ones are being killed and maimed, their property destroyed, shortages, hardships…we as a society should have, at this late date, much better ways of solving conflict.

      You also write that life should be cherished, yet “rules” justify the taking of that life for certain crimes. Keep in mind that in some cultures, historically, people were put to death for very minor crimes. Burt even if the crime is heinous, I don’t see how to reconcile the sacredness of life with the deliberate snuffing out of a life.

    2. I agree with Randy that those who crusade against abortion should be extending support to the moms who are too-often left behind. But not that adults should necessarily “fend for themselves.” The world I want to live in is one that extends support in thousands of ways, that builds real community.

      Chas: You write that war is not a punishment. To the people in whose territory the war is fought, it is certainly gong to feel that way! Their loved ones are being killed and maimed, their property destroyed, shortages, hardships…we as a society should have, at this late date, much better ways of solving conflict.

      You also write that life should be cherished, yet “rules” justify the taking of that life for certain crimes. Keep in mind that in some cultures, historically, people were put to death for very minor crimes. Burt even if the crime is heinous, I don’t see how to reconcile the sacredness of life with the deliberate snuffing out of a life.

    3. Protecting the life of an infant (or prenatal embryo) is not the same as being anti-death penalty. Adults are expected to fend for themselves. Children cannot. Why am I having to explain this?
      One size does NOT fit all. Come on guys, we’re smarter than this. Each individual situation stands on it’s own merits. But, if we are determined to deal in absolutes – if you are adamantly against abortions…you need to be just as adamantly for support for un-wed mothers to be consistent.
      be blessed.

    4. Protecting the life of an infant (or prenatal embryo) is not the same as being anti-death penalty. Adults are expected to fend for themselves. Children cannot. Why am I having to explain this?
      One size does NOT fit all. Come on guys, we’re smarter than this. Each individual situation stands on it’s own merits. But, if we are determined to deal in absolutes – if you are adamantly against abortions…you need to be just as adamantly for support for un-wed mothers to be consistent.
      be blessed.

    5. Pro-Life means that there are some rules that need to be followed. Life should be cherished. Those who break those rules, should receive a punishment that fits the crime. That part we get to decide. War is not a punishment for the soldier. It’s part of the process where justice is served. The same with the death sentence. It’s justice for the crime committed.

    6. Pro-Life means that there are some rules that need to be followed. Life should be cherished. Those who break those rules, should receive a punishment that fits the crime. That part we get to decide. War is not a punishment for the soldier. It’s part of the process where justice is served. The same with the death sentence. It’s justice for the crime committed.

    7. Kimberly, thanks for your warm invitation and also your condolence thoughts. Back then (1986), it was very hard to find resources for grieving a miscarriage; Dina even thought about doing a book on it. Those kinds of resources are somewhat easier to find now.

      We were blessed to have, subsequently, two wonderful children.

    8. Kimberly, thanks for your warm invitation and also your condolence thoughts. Back then (1986), it was very hard to find resources for grieving a miscarriage; Dina even thought about doing a book on it. Those kinds of resources are somewhat easier to find now.

      We were blessed to have, subsequently, two wonderful children.

    9. Shel, you were on the right track with the Catholic right to life organization, The Gabriel Project, which supports women and their babies before, during, and after birth according to their needs. They are representative of the typical pro-life conservative, not the TV clowns of the world who try to be as controversial as possible so as to boost ratings.

      Please don’t buy into the show and paint us all with that brush.

      Please come visit my church if you’re ever in Atlanta: Northpoint Community Church. You’ll find thousands of people volunteering their time and money to help children and families of all ages and circumstances here and internationally.

      Our church founded the 410 Bridge, which helps provide basic health services, sanitation, and clean water to as many villages in Africa as possible, one village at a time. There are many other Christian conservative ministries who do similar work: Compassion International, World Vision, etc.

      Come meet some real life pro-life conservatives. I believe you will find us ethically consistent across all pro-life issues, and committed to supporting life at all ages and and stages with our own time and money.

      I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I had no idea you and your wife had suffered a miscarriage. I can’t even imagine losing a child that way.

    10. Shel, you were on the right track with the Catholic right to life organization, The Gabriel Project, which supports women and their babies before, during, and after birth according to their needs. They are representative of the typical pro-life conservative, not the TV clowns of the world who try to be as controversial as possible so as to boost ratings.

      Please don’t buy into the show and paint us all with that brush.

      Please come visit my church if you’re ever in Atlanta: Northpoint Community Church. You’ll find thousands of people volunteering their time and money to help children and families of all ages and circumstances here and internationally.

      Our church founded the 410 Bridge, which helps provide basic health services, sanitation, and clean water to as many villages in Africa as possible, one village at a time. There are many other Christian conservative ministries who do similar work: Compassion International, World Vision, etc.

      Come meet some real life pro-life conservatives. I believe you will find us ethically consistent across all pro-life issues, and committed to supporting life at all ages and and stages with our own time and money.

      I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I had no idea you and your wife had suffered a miscarriage. I can’t even imagine losing a child that way.

    11. Very good point, Sheyna. We suffered a miscarriage, in fact, and that was a much-wanted baby–and we discovered that this is far more common than most people realize. We have other friends who were unable to get pregnant.

    12. As the mother of a stillborn daughter, I’m bothered by the oft-repeated statement that “God is pro-life.” The implication, of course, is that without human intervention (eg: abortion), all babies would be born. Such is not the case, however. Stillbirths and miscarriages, having *nothing* to do with abortions, affect as many as 25% of all pregnancies–more than the percentage of abortions in the US ( This just goes to prove that God, or Nature, or the Pregnancy Fairy, is no more pro-life than Americans.

      Sheyna Galyan’s last blog post… How Much Affliction?

    13. As the mother of a stillborn daughter, I’m bothered by the oft-repeated statement that “God is pro-life.” The implication, of course, is that without human intervention (eg: abortion), all babies would be born. Such is not the case, however. Stillbirths and miscarriages, having *nothing* to do with abortions, affect as many as 25% of all pregnancies–more than the percentage of abortions in the US ( This just goes to prove that God, or Nature, or the Pregnancy Fairy, is no more pro-life than Americans.

      Sheyna Galyan’s last blog post… How Much Affliction?