1. To move forward on my goal of reaching critical mass for the two self-syndicated columns I’m launching, Green And Profitable, for business, and Green And Practical, for consumers. Both emphasize easy, low-cost, high-return approaches. Click here to see samples of the business column. (I’ve written text and sample columns for Green And Practical, and bought the domain, but this is so new that the site isn’t live yet.) My goal is to have 1000 paid subscribers and/or generate $10K/month from this by the end of 2012. It’s going to be really cheap for media, $10 per insertion—and I’m also offering private-label (PLR) e-mail/print rights to corporations and associations at 25 cents per name per year, which is where I suspect the money will mostly come from. If I’m successful, I will actually, for the first time, make my living as a writer of consumable content, rather than of marketing materials—this after publishing eight books and more than 1000 articles.

–>And by the way, I’d be very grateful for connections to people who might want to license PLR rights to one or both of the columns (people with a green product or service, for instance). I am willing to pay $200 commission for any column client who commits to $1200 per year or more. shel (at) principledprofit.com or twitter to ShelHorowitz.

2. To structure my work days to include two hours of billable/client work, 1 hour on my own writing or marketing (blog, columns, speeches, services), 2 hours maximum on e-mail, 15 to 30 minutes on social media, 1 hour of professional reading, half an hour each on office organization and bills/postal mail, and an hour of exercise. I have timekeeping software, and I’m going to use it.

PS–instead of an annual letter, we did a humorous quiz. If you want to learn more about my family and get a smile in the process, click over and have a look.


There is definitely something to all this Law of Attraction stuff. Consider this: For the past few months, I’ve been putting out a lot of energy around four things:
1. Expanding the public speaking portion of my business
2. Pitching myself as a syndicated columnist writing on Green business (working a long-term plan)
3. Founding the International Association of Earth-Conscious Marketers
4. Working with unpublished writers to help them become well-published and well-marketed authors

Here’s some of what happened today:

  • While listening to a teleseminar with a syndicated columnist, I asked a question–and he offered to give me contacts at his syndicate
  • Got interviewed for a radio show and book about public speaking—and the interviewer may become a book publishing consulting client…and spent a half-hour getting acquainted with another marketing consultant, and he too is thinking of doing a book and letting me help
  • I did a little Green business of my own today, selling five pounds of surplus organic hot peppers from our garden to our neighbors’ farmstand (I had more to sell, but that was what I could easily carry on my bike)—it’s such a hoot for me as a New York City native to sell farm vegetables to my neighbors, whose family has been farming this land since 1806
  • Responded to a HARO query from a reporter, and the reporter wrote back that instead of just using my short quote, would I be interested in writing a regular column?
  • Received an invitation to speak at a high-level international conference in January, and a contract from a different organization for a talk I’m doing in December
  • Had a brief teleconference with a subset of the IAECM Steering Committee. I continue to be so impressed with the creative thinking of this talented group.
  • And still managed to get out and vote early (I was #16, so I could get the car back in time for my son to drive to school)…get several hours of billable work done…get in a lovely hike.

    It’s feeling like a pretty abundant day :-). I’ll even forgive the mice for chewing up the spout to our can of Chinese sesame oil, forcing me to change my dinner plans. (I went for Italian instead, and it was delicious. Guess the mice don’t like or haven’t discovered the olive oil.) I like it that I’m putting energy out on these four things, and permutations of those four are coming back to me.

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