What's the best way to thank on Twitter?

This is something I’ve been struggling with pretty much since I joined Twitter over a year ago: how do you let people know you appreciate what they’ve done without filling up your Twitter stream with posts that are of low value to other readers?

Yes, if they’re following you, you can send a DM (Direct Message). But if they’re not, you have no choice but to post in the public stream. Because I don’t want my page to be dominated by what-should-be-private thank-yous (I hate it when I visit someone else’s page and see 70% of the Tweets are thank-yous, and I don’t choose to follow those people), and because when I’m thanking for retweets (reposting something I’ve posted, so their own network sees it) or Follow Fridays (nominations of cool people to follow) it’s generally a mixture of followers and non-followers, I’ve tended to send a group thank-you to everyone at once (which is very easy to do on TweetDeck). I don’t always know who is in each category, and it’s certainly frustrating to try to DM someone only to discover they aren’t following you.

I don’t send a thank-you for following me, because I don’t see auto-DMs as adding value very much of the time, and with over 2000 followers, it’s not practical to send real individual notes. But I do like to say thanks when someone retweets or nominates me as a cool person to follow. And yet, if my stream were filled with personal thank-yous to those not following me, the stream would become boring and people would stop nominating me.

Today, I logged on to find that someone had criticized my group thank-you practice, in both an @ reply (public) and a DM (private). He didn’t feel the group thank-you was sufficiently personal. And he’s right–I’ve never felt the solution was ideal.

So I wonder…what IS the ideal way to handle this? How do YOU balance the need to be personal with the need to deliver high value in a Twitter profile? I’m eager to hear your comment either below or on Twitter @ShelHorowitz .


A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at http://goingbeyondsustainability.com

6 Comments on “What's the best way to thank on Twitter?

  1. First of all, I’ve noticed that many Twitter users exclude the “message” feature from their page, so it’s impossible to send them a DM. And many others have clearly stated in their profiles that they DO NOT READ OR ANSWER DM’s. So, as far as sending a personal note of thanks or a confidential message, it’s just not in the realm of possibilities. 🙁

    My solution may not be the perfect one, but in most cases it works nicely for me. The majority of Twitter users also have a Facebook and/or LinkedIn account. So I simply contact them there to leave thank-you’s or messages of a personal nature. I would prefer to do it that way anyway since I’m able to write longer, more meaningful messages.

  2. First of all, I’ve noticed that many Twitter users exclude the “message” feature from their page, so it’s impossible to send them a DM. And many others have clearly stated in their profiles that they DO NOT READ OR ANSWER DM’s. So, as far as sending a personal note of thanks or a confidential message, it’s just not in the realm of possibilities. 🙁

    My solution may not be the perfect one, but in most cases it works nicely for me. The majority of Twitter users also have a Facebook and/or LinkedIn account. So I simply contact them there to leave thank-you’s or messages of a personal nature. I would prefer to do it that way anyway since I’m able to write longer, more meaningful messages.

  3. After someone RTs I watch their stream for a while for something I would RT for them. Chances are very high theyll post something relevant to me and my followers. Works in about 75 % of cases.

  4. After someone RTs I watch their stream for a while for something I would RT for them. Chances are very high theyll post something relevant to me and my followers. Works in about 75 % of cases.