Republicans *Finally* Denounce Racist Anti-Obama Strategies

GOP now says using “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” is a “distraction” and should be stopped. Took them long enough!

I noted that this racist tactic was backfiring back on January 30.

Good morning, GOP. It’s nice to know that 145 years after Lincoln (the first Republican president) freed the slaves, that you still care at least a little bit about black folks. At least when it seems expedient.


A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at

2 Comments on “Republicans *Finally* Denounce Racist Anti-Obama Strategies

  1. Obama has not been forthright in telling Americans who he is, who he has been associated with, or what he will do if elected. If the media had done its job in vetting Obama from the beginning … and if 18 months ago Americans knew what they know today about Obama, he would never have made it this far. I would be willing to bet that there are still volumes that we don’t know about Obama, and even more Obama is not telling us about what he would do once elected. We also don’t know where much of his 600 million dollars in campaign contributions came from … possibly foreign nationals. Obama’s donations are literally enabling him to buy the Presidency of the United States. And then there’s Acorn, and voter fraud, which all seems to be favoring Obama. A socialistic agenda will ruin America … whose 200+ year capitalistic ideology has made us the country where everyone wants to live … even at risk of life and limb! It’s pretty obvious that McCain loves America, not just in words, but in deeds that cost him dearly. I don’t mind some changes, but changing our entire free enterprise system for socialism is NOT change I can believe in. I don’t trust Obama. I think he will say or do anything to get elected. These are just some of the reasons I’m voting for McCain/Palin on November 4th.

  2. Obama has not been forthright in telling Americans who he is, who he has been associated with, or what he will do if elected. If the media had done its job in vetting Obama from the beginning … and if 18 months ago Americans knew what they know today about Obama, he would never have made it this far. I would be willing to bet that there are still volumes that we don’t know about Obama, and even more Obama is not telling us about what he would do once elected. We also don’t know where much of his 600 million dollars in campaign contributions came from … possibly foreign nationals. Obama’s donations are literally enabling him to buy the Presidency of the United States. And then there’s Acorn, and voter fraud, which all seems to be favoring Obama. A socialistic agenda will ruin America … whose 200+ year capitalistic ideology has made us the country where everyone wants to live … even at risk of life and limb! It’s pretty obvious that McCain loves America, not just in words, but in deeds that cost him dearly. I don’t mind some changes, but changing our entire free enterprise system for socialism is NOT change I can believe in. I don’t trust Obama. I think he will say or do anything to get elected. These are just some of the reasons I’m voting for McCain/Palin on November 4th.