Real Green Means Nonpolluting—And This Doesn’t Make It

It sounded like a good idea from the blurb posted on the International Network of Social-Eco Entrepreneurs LinkedIn discussion board:

Ever wanted an energy question answering by the world’s leading experts?!

For all of you reading this, here is a rare opportunity to ask your toughest energy-related questions to the world’s leading energy scientists, including Dr Clement Bowman, Tom Blees, José Goldemberg, Marta Bonifert and Ambassador Pius Yasebasi Ng.

Simply click the link to this feature, and submit your questions by next Friday 26th November!

But when I got to the article, I was so appalled by some of the panelists’ credentials that I posted this:

Why are advocates of dirty technologies like tar-sands extraction and nuclear power judging energy prizes for a group called Eco-Business? If you look at the entire production cycle, including externalized pollution factors, these are among the dirtiest of all energy sources.

I believe our real energy future lies with much cleaner, fully renewable technologies like solar, wind, and hydro–all on a human scale and generating power at or near the point of use–and especially with what Amory Lovins calls “negawatts”: slashing energy consumption in existing buildings, vehicles, etc. Energy savings of 50 to 80 percent are achievable in many cases, thus removing the need to build more centralized power plants in the first place.
–Shel Horowitz, primary author, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green,

What do YOU think? Please use my comment field below, and then post it on the comments of the original article.


A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at

2 Comments on “Real Green Means Nonpolluting—And This Doesn’t Make It

  1. Hmm. I gotta admit this one gives me pause. But I think you might not be giving them enough credit. Just because someone works in a dirty energy business doesn’t mean they don’t have an interest in greening their ways.

    Looks to me like the panel is mixed.
    I think it may be good to pull them into the conversation to see what they can come up with. If they respond with bulls*it like – ‘go all nuclear’ than the value of their opinions will be judged even harsher by this group.

    If they have something valuable to say or even confirm or validate an idea or suggestion coming from a respondent, than the interaction itself may prove fruitful in influencing their work.

    Dialogue between unlikely partners can sometimes yeild surprising results.