Finally: A President Who "Gets It" on Sustainability

President Barack Obama’s inaugural address was deeply moving to me on many levels. And one of the most promising was his statements on energy.

First, he recognized both the environmental and national security disaster of our present policy:

Each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.

And second, the clean solution:

We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories.

Not since Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House and wore sweaters instead of overheating the building have we had a U.S. President with this consciousness.

Not Reagan, who promptly took the solar system OFF the roof. Not George H.W. Bush. Not even Clinton. And even though George W. Bush’s Crawford ranch is one of the Greenest houses in the country, his presidency has been a disaster for the environment, and an eight-year lost opportunity to address climate change while it’s still possible.



A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at

2 Comments on “Finally: A President Who "Gets It" on Sustainability

  1. We will always need oil and there is no such thing as Global warming Bush and Chenneys electric bill is 1/2/ of Al Gores he lives in a Mansion his bill was $6000.00 a month now with the new solar panels the bill is $3000.00 a month, he flys all over in his private jet and refuses to use commercial planes like the ceo’s of the auto makers, he refuses to debate with 52 scientists from all over the world global warming because he knows it is a lie he just wanted to make more money when Clinton was in office he refused to sign the Kyoto Treaty anyone with haif a brain knows the sun is a huge Magnet with lots of expolsions on it and the earth and planets are cylical how can you explain snow in the UK for the 1st time last year we are slowly rotating away from the sun this process is every 100 years, Al Gore asked Clinton if he could sell Bakerfield ,near Camp Pendalton his father was with Oxydential Petroleum at the time so it was put in by FDR in case we had an attack from the west aaaand never to be sold gore and clinton sold it to Oxydential Petroleum and now Al Gore is richer than ever along with his hedge Fund with carbon credits in itMichael Moore was thrown out of College for sexual harrassment he owns 10,000 shares of Hallibuton so go figure a bunch of hypocrites We have been through Ice Ages and Warming of the Planet for billions of years so it will always be like this everything rubber is made from oil, carpets are made with oil in it and alll plastics your refrigerator and contents made from oil the inside of an airplane all plastic, including your toliret seat, all fertilizers use oil. and so does aspirn so we will always need oilHope you understand everything on earth is a Natural Disater and it is cyclical sometimes we see the Big Dipper and sometimes we do not, the earth revolves around the sun in waves so do all the planets, since 1970 we have been told about this and the earth has warmed 1 degree, in the last 1000 years, and the holein the ozone layer gets repaired daily from a Nasa satelitte, chorophyll is red and water is green the hole gets repaired daily or we would all burn up from the UVA.UVC, UVB Sun Rays, or we would die from the Power of the sun
    Hope you understand it better I did not want to start from the beginning of earth it would take hours to explain and go from earths beginninng to today, we are all stewards of the earth.

  2. We will always need oil and there is no such thing as Global warming Bush and Chenneys electric bill is 1/2/ of Al Gores he lives in a Mansion his bill was $6000.00 a month now with the new solar panels the bill is $3000.00 a month, he flys all over in his private jet and refuses to use commercial planes like the ceo’s of the auto makers, he refuses to debate with 52 scientists from all over the world global warming because he knows it is a lie he just wanted to make more money when Clinton was in office he refused to sign the Kyoto Treaty anyone with haif a brain knows the sun is a huge Magnet with lots of expolsions on it and the earth and planets are cylical how can you explain snow in the UK for the 1st time last year we are slowly rotating away from the sun this process is every 100 years, Al Gore asked Clinton if he could sell Bakerfield ,near Camp Pendalton his father was with Oxydential Petroleum at the time so it was put in by FDR in case we had an attack from the west aaaand never to be sold gore and clinton sold it to Oxydential Petroleum and now Al Gore is richer than ever along with his hedge Fund with carbon credits in itMichael Moore was thrown out of College for sexual harrassment he owns 10,000 shares of Hallibuton so go figure a bunch of hypocrites We have been through Ice Ages and Warming of the Planet for billions of years so it will always be like this everything rubber is made from oil, carpets are made with oil in it and alll plastics your refrigerator and contents made from oil the inside of an airplane all plastic, including your toliret seat, all fertilizers use oil. and so does aspirn so we will always need oilHope you understand everything on earth is a Natural Disater and it is cyclical sometimes we see the Big Dipper and sometimes we do not, the earth revolves around the sun in waves so do all the planets, since 1970 we have been told about this and the earth has warmed 1 degree, in the last 1000 years, and the holein the ozone layer gets repaired daily from a Nasa satelitte, chorophyll is red and water is green the hole gets repaired daily or we would all burn up from the UVA.UVC, UVB Sun Rays, or we would die from the Power of the sun
    Hope you understand it better I did not want to start from the beginning of earth it would take hours to explain and go from earths beginninng to today, we are all stewards of the earth.