Ethics Could Have Avoided The Collapse of Lehman, Merrill Lynch

I can’t help wondering–would Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and other fallen giants be in such trouble if they’d followed common-sense ethical principles?

My award-winning sixth book, Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First, suggests a number of reasons to say no to a sale, focused on core ideas of honesty, integrity, and quality. In other words, successful businesses have standards both for how they behave and for whom they choose to do business with.

So many of the loans coming apart in the subprime crisis didn’t meet the basic criteria of quality–there was no assurance that the borrowers had enough resources to pay back the loans.

Yes, these loans provided a path to home ownership for many Americans who could not have otherwise afforded them–a worthy goal. But those ownerships turned out to be temporary, and those forced from their homes are now in worse shape. Perhaps if proper lending criteria had been applied, the market would have responded by lowering inflated home prices–and those who got burned would have had a safer and more secure path to real home ownership, and the financial titans wouldn’t be fighting for air.

Oh, and one more question: Why was Bear Stearns considered worthy of a bailout (something I wasn’t at all sure was a good idea) but not these latest casualties?


A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at

8 Comments on “Ethics Could Have Avoided The Collapse of Lehman, Merrill Lynch

  1. In my opinion the statement is accurate that business ethics at Merrill definitely would have helped. To substantiate this I provided some evidence at

    Looking at the credit crisis you find evidence that lack of integrity is an important indicator of trouble ahead. Collecting one year of credit crisis events show that integrity concerns are a reliable risk indicator from an investor perspective. You can select integrity concerns events at the guided analysis provided by riskfriends and draw your own conclusions.


  2. In my opinion the statement is accurate that business ethics at Merrill definitely would have helped. To substantiate this I provided some evidence at

    Looking at the credit crisis you find evidence that lack of integrity is an important indicator of trouble ahead. Collecting one year of credit crisis events show that integrity concerns are a reliable risk indicator from an investor perspective. You can select integrity concerns events at the guided analysis provided by riskfriends and draw your own conclusions.


  3. In my opinion the statement is accurate that business ethics at Merrill definitely would have helped. To substantiate this I provided some evidence at

    Looking at the credit crisis you find evidence that lack of integrity is an important indicator of trouble ahead. Collecting one year of credit crisis events show that integrity concerns are a reliable risk indicator from an investor perspective. You can select integrity concerns events at the guided analysis provided by riskfriends and draw your own conclusions.


  4. In my opinion the statement is accurate that business ethics at Merrill definitely would have helped. To substantiate this I provided some evidence at

    Looking at the credit crisis you find evidence that lack of integrity is an important indicator of trouble ahead. Collecting one year of credit crisis events show that integrity concerns are a reliable risk indicator from an investor perspective. You can select integrity concerns events at the guided analysis provided by riskfriends and draw your own conclusions.
