I think this is soooo cool! Bicycles are already an incredibly liberating, essentially nonpolluting technology. Now someone in Africa has found a way to use native bamboo as a bicycle-building material. Sustainable, renewable, widely available, and with potentially an enormous impact.

How great would it be if this were widely adopted?


For many years, I’ve been writing about the Abundance Principle: a corollary to the Law of Attraction that I’ve been espousing long before I ever heard of Law of Attraction. Basically it’s the idea that the universe is abundant; there’s enough good stuff for all, despite kinks in distribution. And that if you focus on this abundance, the world shows itself as an abundant place. This is one of the key principles in my award-winning sixth book, Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First

Well, today, I’ve just been swimming in the lovely waters of the Abundance Principle. If any one of these things happened in one day, I’d post a Tweet. With all of them happening on the same day, I’d be monopolizing people’s Twitter streams, which would be rude. So I’ll post here instead.

  • After about two months of silence, my negotiating partner in Africa came back with dates and cities for a three-country speaking tour this summer
  • Today, my co-author, Jay Conrad Levinson, gave me the first feedback on the just-completed manuscript of my eighth book (and something like his 70th), Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, which will be out in about a year from Wiley–and he’s delighted with it. Yesterday, I finished the edit, and today, I got through all the permissions letters I had to send.
  • A major new sustainability site hired me for an ongoing paying weekly blog. The pay is low, but after over four years of blogging, I can now call myself a professional blogger. And it’s really good visibility, especially with the new book coming out next year.
  • After a week of rain, we finally got a nice day–and Dina and I managed not only our daily dog-hike but also a short bike ride.
  • When I went to the doctor, he said I don’t have an eye infection after all–just allergies
  • Got offered comp tickets for a local theater production in one of my favorite venues
  • Getting some extra exposure on a speaking gig next week
  • Also got comped (ok, so that was last night) on a hotshot marketing conference where I’m going to get to meet some people who’ve been very important to me
  • Potential intern coming tomorrow who’s actually read most of my books; I will have lots to keep her busy!
  • My daughter, still in Spain, seems completely recovered from her illness
  • I have a feeling I’m leaving some things out, but anyway, it’s been a very good day. It’s great when principles I stand for get to play out so positively in real life.

    I wish you similar abundance in your life!
