PR/Marketing Agencies: Increase Clients’ Reputation
Let Your Clients Claim Their Place as Green Thought Leaders—Build Customer Loyalty
Set your green clients up to use Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green author Shel Horowitz’s premium content to affordably and effectively reinforce existing business relationships—and build bridges to new business. At your option, this could generate a healthy income stream for your agency, too.
Executive Summary
- Build your clients’ reputation for expertise and credibility with environmentally aware businesses and consumers (the so-called “Cultural Creatives”).
- Provide customers and prospects with clear, well-written, action-oriented practical information on going green affordably and effectively—content that your clients can private-label and distribute under their own imprint, at a surprisingly affordable price.
- Content provided monthly by multiple-award-winning author Shel Horowitz, whose books include Amazon environmental category bestseller Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, published by John Wiley & Sons.
How Marketing Today has to Create Trust and Build Relationships
The days of marketing effectively with old-style one-directional, in-your-face sales messages are over. With your clients’ prospects seeing up to 3000 marketing messages every day, they’ve learned to filter out any sales message that doesn’t provide information they need, or open doorways to relationships they want to build.
Instead of traditional pushy marketing hype, your clients need marketing based in increasing their credibility and trust. Those kinds of campaigns enable them to:
- Establish their expertise and thought leadership, which in turn leads to vastly increased “share of mind.” So when people think of that industry, they think of your client first.
- Bring previous customers back in to buy again (typically, at just 10 to 20 percent of the cost of bringing in a new customer through traditional marketing approaches).
- Encourage zero-extra-cost new business by generating pass-alongs, links on social media, and word-of-mouth/word-of-mouse buzz.
- By archiving past issues on their websites, develop or expand a valuable archive of useful content that can bring more visitors in to explore their offerings.
Thus… Marketing with Useful, Actionable Content is a Great Tool:
So how do you connect your clients with these savvy consumers? By helping them understand the world around them—and by creating ongoing relationships instead of single-exposure sales pushes. One of the best ways to do this is by providing concrete information that helps your clients and prospects gain more knowledge and take useful action.
But for most businesses, creating a steady stream of useful, well-written content is a drag. It interferes with other business activities, gets shunted to the bottom of the pile, and often suffers from substandard execution. And poorly done, scattershot content doesn’t build their brand—it hurts it!
Yes, they could ask you to create this content for them. But when they’re shelling out a PR retainer every month, they want to see themselves quoted in traditional media. And besides, your expertise is in running a PR agency, and probably not in how to go green for the lowest cost and greatest return.
The Solution…Shel Horowitz, Your Affordable Green Expert
Instead, let a subject matter and content creation expert establish your clients’ thought leadership. Internationally syndicated columnist and multiple-award-winning author Shel Horowitz is delighted to supply an affordable and steady stream of valuable, useful articles. Your clients can build their brand by private-labeling either or both of his eco-friendly monthly columns:
- For consumers, Green And Practical
- For their business customers, Green And Profitable
And they’ll love you even more for bringing this content stream to them.
“A revolutionary approach to business that will challenge even the most jaded, hard-nosed, bottom-line, make-the-numbers manager to re-think their approach.”
—Sheldon Bowles, Co-author with Ken Blanchard of
Raving Fans and three other books“Shel Horowitz has always been known for his nothing held back, non traditional, straight-shooting, and creative solutions to some of the most perplexing problems that plague entrepreneurs today.”
—Azriela Jaffe, syndicated business columnist
and author of thirteen books
Shel is an expert on practical green solutions for business and in the home. Five of his books have won at least one award and/or been republished in other countries. He has published 1000+ articles in media ranging from the Boston Globe and Washington Post to and
Every month, Shel will supply a new article that your clients can send out to their e-mail lists, post on their websites and social media pages, reprint in your print publications, and even distribute as a press release in your company or organization’s name. They can receive and redistribute either the consumer column, the business column, or both. Every place you put it, you build their reputation as the helpful, caring expert who wants to help your customers, your prospects, and the world.
The columns can either come to you for your own private-label redistribution to your clients, or directly to them.
“At last, bold, usable approaches that fly in the face of traditional and sometimes unethical business wisdom. Chock-full of creative yet shrewd ideas for marketing successfully in the new millennium.”
—Brian Jud, author, Speaker, Marketing Strategist
Pricing—Amazingly Affordable
Because this content is non-exclusive, it’s extremely affordable. For the first 100 businesses or organizations to sign up, the pricing (guaranteed through the end of 2012—two full years) will be very inexpensive:
- Run a whole year’s worth of either the business or consumer column, licensed for email, print, and web distribution—for just 25 cents per subscriber, for an entire year (12 issues). That’s just 2.08 cents per tocuhpoint, per recipient, for up to 100,000 names—additional names are even cheaper.
- License both the business and the consumer column and pay just $0.40 per subscriber per year, for 24 columns—that’s the incredible bargain price of just 1.67 cents per user for each article (for instance, your clients could send Green And Profitable to their vendors and dealers, and Green And Practical to the end-buyers of their green products or services).
- If they have a large list, they pay even less. Additional names beyond the first 100,000 are just 10 cents per name per year for one column, or 15 cents per name for both columns—and any names beyond 500,000 are free! So if your clients have a mailing list of a million and mail one column, each fresh column will cost just 1.28 cents per name—which means that every dollar they spend puts valuable content that brands their company in front of 78 people. If they mail both columns, they’re below a penny per reader per article, and every dollar reaches 104 people.
Terms and Options:
Minimum purchase of $600 per year. Above prices are with the inclusion of a byline and blurb (60-word maximum) with link, supplied by Shel. If your client would like to remove Shel’s byline and blurb and either replace it with a credit to one of the company’s employees or run it anonymously, the cost is an additional $100 per insertion. And if you’d like a custom lead, byline, and headline exclusively your client’s use—this could vastly increase visibility and credibility for your CEO, for example—Shel will be glad to write that, at $250 additional per customized article.
Commission, at Your Option:
You may choose to earn $200 for each purchase increment of $1200. In other words, if your client makes a $5000 purchase, you’ll earn $800 in commission. A $60,000 purchase makes you a cool $10,000. If you’d rather have “karma points,” that’s o.k. too; we’re comfortable whichever way you’d like to work.
P.S. Would you rather have unique, proprietary content just for your client to claim as its own? No problem. Shel is happy to write new material just for you:
- Original articles on any aspect of green marketing, green business, or green living
- General business articles
- Profiles of the CEO or other top executives—or of line employees
- Sales and marketing copy
- Press releases, PSAs, backgrounders, web copy, etc.
- Inexpensive reprint rights to hundreds of articles Shel has written in the past
Please contact him to discuss pricing and your needs: 413-586-2388 (8 a.m. to 10 p.m. US Eastern Time) or use this contact form to send an e-mail.
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