Claim Your Organization’s Place as a Green Thought Leader—Build Customer Loyalty

Green And Profitable is Now a Book
Green And Profitable, Shel Horowitz’s 9th published book, is a compilation of the four years of his Green And Profitable monthly column, which was syndicated in the US, Australia, and Malaysia. He offers it either as a complete single-volume archive or as four separate, less expensive, books:
• Book 2: Marketing Strategy/Messages for Green Businesses
• Book 3: Policy and Ethics Issues for Green Businesses
• Book 4: The New Realities of 21st Century Business
• Books 1-4: Compilation (your best value)
Order ebooks from Apple iTunes:
Order ebooks or paperbacks from Amazon/CreateSpace:
Claim Your Organization’s Place as a Green Thought Leader—Build Customer Loyalty
Use Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green author Shel Horowitz’s premium content to affordably and effectively reinforce existing business relationships—and build bridges to new business
Executive Summary
- Reach the lucrative, affluent green market.
- Build your organization’s expertise, reputation, and credibility among environmentally aware businesses and consumers (the so-called “Cultural Creatives”).
- Inexpensively provide customers and prospects with clear, well-written, action-oriented practical information on going green affordably and effectively—content that you can private-label and distribute under your organization’s imprint, at a surprisingly affordable price.
- Receive and distribute new (very affordable) content every month from multiple-award-winning author Shel Horowitz, whose eight books include Amazon environmental category bestseller Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, published by John Wiley & Sons.
- Take your choice of custom content just for you, or shared content that costs even less.
How Marketing Today has to Create Trust and Build Relationships
Old-style one-way, in-your-face sales messages just don’t work anymore. Your prospects see up to 3000 marketing messages every day! And just to survive, they’ve learned to filter out these sales messages. Unless you solve their problems, advance their goals, or open doors for them, they’re not listening anymore.
Instead of traditional pushy marketing hype, you want to use marketing based in increasing your credibility and trust. Those kinds of campaigns enable you to:
- Establish your organization’s expertise and thought leadership, which in turn leads to vastly increased “share of mind.” So when people think of your industry, they think of you first.
- Bring previous customers back in to buy again (typically, at just 10 to 20 percent of the cost of bringing in a new customer through traditional marketing approaches).
- Encourage zero-extra-cost new business by generating pass-alongs, links on social media, and word-of-mouth/word-of-mouse buzz.
- Develop or expand a valuable archive of useful content that can bring more visitors in to explore your offerings.
Thus…Marketing with Useful, Actionable Content is a Great Tool:
So how do you reach these savvy consumers? By helping them understand (and benefit from) the world around them. One of the best ways to do this is by providing concrete information that helps your clients and prospects gain more knowledge and take useful action. And when you do that, you create ongoing relationships that market far more effectively than single-exposure sales pushes.
But for most businesses, creating a steady stream of useful, well-written content is a drag. It interferes with other business activities, gets shunted to the bottom of the pile, and when it finally gets done, it’s often done poorly. But low-quality, scattershot content doesn’t build your brand—it hurts it!
Why? Because the task got passed to someone with neither the skills nor the desire to create great content. Each person on your team has been hired to do what they do well—so let them stay on track and do what they were hired to do. You wouldn’t ask your production supervisor to handle bookkeeping, and you don’t want your bookkeeper to create your expertise positioning and relationship marketing materials.
The Solution…Shel Horowitz, Your Affordable Green Expert
Instead, let a content creation expert establish your thought leadership. Internationally syndicated columnist and multiple-award-winning author Shel Horowitz is delighted to supply you with an affordable and steady stream of valuable, useful articles that you can private-label—in Platinum, Gold, and Silver options, depending on the level of customization. You can receive his monthly syndicated column, with (Gold) or without (Silver) customization—or you can build your brand much faster with the Platinum option—limited to just 5 companies—where you get an original custom article every month.
“A revolutionary approach to business that will challenge even the most jaded, hard-nosed, bottom-line, make-the-numbers manager to re-think their approach.”
—Sheldon Bowles, Co-author with Ken Blanchard of
Raving Fans and three other books
Shel offers two eco-friendly monthly columns:
- For individual customers and prospects, Green And Practical
- For your business customers and prospects, Green And Profitable
Shel is an expert on practical green solutions for business and in the home, and an experienced content creator who has been writing about the environment since the 1970s. Six of his books have won at least one award and/or been republished in other countries. He has published 1000+ articles in media ranging from the Boston Globe and Washington Post to and He’s been blogging regularly since 2004, both on his own sites and for such prestigious publications as and—and growing his and his clients’ businesses through online social media all the way back to 1995. He’s a true thought-leader, who has seen several of his ideas go mainstream long after he began writing and speaking about them.
“Shel Horowitz has always been known for his nothing held back, non traditional, straight-shooting, and creative solutions to some of the most perplexing problems that plague entrepreneurs today.”
—Azriela Jaffe, syndicated business columnist
and author of thirteen books
Every month, Shel will supply you with a new article that you can send out to your e-mail lists, post on your websites and social media pages, reprint in your print publications, and just about anything else you can come up with. With the Gold joint-byline or Platinum options, you can even distribute the article as a press release in your company or organization’s name—on your letterhead and with your logo, if you like.
The Platinum Option: Custom Content (only 5 slots available)
Just 5 businesses (and no more than one per industry niche) will be able to hire Shel to write an original proprietary article each month, just for your company, to use in perpetuity—at far less than the cost of hiring a full-time writer. These could include…
- Original articles on any aspect of green marketing, green business, or green living
- General business articles
- Profiles of the CEO or other top executives—or of line employees, managers, vendors…it’s up to you
- Spotlights of your best, most creative, or most interesting customers (a terrific way to create long-term fans)
- Articles highlighting any of your products, services, facilities, etc.
- Backgrounders, web copy, etc.
- Even a speech for one of your executives to deliver
The Gold Option: Customized Lead Including Your Name on the Regular Column:
The byline, headline and/or the first paragraph will be specifically tailored to your audience, and include mention of your product or company.
You may sign up to receive and redistribute either the consumer column, the business column, or both. Every place you put it, you build your reputation as the helpful, caring expert who wants to help your customers, your prospects, and the world. Limited to 100 businesses.
“At last, bold, usable approaches that fly in the face of traditional and sometimes unethical business wisdom. Chock-full of creative yet shrewd ideas for marketing successfully in the new millennium.”
—Brian Jud, author, speaker, marketing strategist
The Silver Option: Affordable Content with Full Private Label Rights
At the lowest cost of all these options, you get either Shel’s business or consumer column every month, and can reprint it with Shel’s byline or redistribute it as you see fit, in any form except a press release.
Pricing—Amazingly Affordable
Because the Gold and Silver content is non-exclusive, it’s extremely affordable. For the first 100 businesses or organizations to sign up, the pricing (guaranteed for two full years from the date you sign up) will be very inexpensive—and even the Platinum option is far cheaper than hiring a staff writer:
Platinum Option
- Original articles written just for you, available to you exclusively, and limited to just five companies (no direct competitors): $995 per article if you commit to 12 months at a time, or $895 per article for a two-year commitment (monthly payment plan at no extra charge, for either the one- or two-year term)—either assigned by you or developed by Shel
- $50 extra per insertion for byline (author credit) of your choice—this could vastly increase visibility and credibility for your CEO, for example
Gold Option
- Regular column with custom lead mentioning your company or product name, $350 per insertion, prepaid for one year, or $300 a month, prepaid for two years
- $25 extra per insertion for shared byline (author credit) of your choice; article will read “by Firstname Lastname and Shel Horowitz” (in this situation, the shared byline is necessary to avoid accusations of plagiarism)
Silver Option
- $250 per insertion: 12 months, prepaid in 6- or 12-month installments—based on average column length of 700 words, this is 35 cents per word—1/6 the typical price of commissioning original top-quality content)
- $200 per insertion: 24 months, prepaid in 6- or 12-month installments (28 cents per word)
- Byline reads “by Shel Horowitz”
If you prefer a pay-as-you-go option, we can do that as well. For Gold or Silver members, simply add 15 percent to your price—no extra charge for Platinum members. And if you’d like both columns (perhaps Green And Profitable for your distributors and dealers, and Green And Practical for your customers and prospects), deduct 25 percent from the normal combined price.
So what does this mean in terms of the price per touchpoint? With the silver option, if you have 100,000 people on your list, and you select the 24-month prepaid option, each column will cost you just one-five-hundredth of a cent! Yup—a penny gets you 500 impressions. If you have a million people on your list, that same penny gets you 5000 impressions. Even if you’re just starting out and only have 1000 people on your list, you’re reaching five of them for every penny—not with some generic offer that nobody reads, but with useful, vital content that speaks directly to your clients’ and prospects’ needs and desires. How cool is that?
- P.S. Remember—if you want the original proprietary content, there are only five slots—exclusive in your industry niche.
Please contact Shel to discuss your needs: 413-586-2388 (8 a.m. to 10 p.m. US Eastern Time) or use this contact form to send an e-mail (please use the subject line “Column Inquiry-Corporate” and tell me which configuration you prefer).
Acceptable forms of payment:
- US dollar check on a US dollar account
- Intuit Payment Network (our preferred electronic option)
- Paypal
- Visa, Mastercard, or Discover
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