About the Book
Help the Earth AND Your Profits! Green is Good Business: Bestselling Book, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, Shows How

Can YOUR Business make the world a better place? Can you improve the earth, your profits, and your customer base all at the same time, by doing the right thing and crafting a marketing strategy that reflects your commitment? Listen closely—because the answer is YES! Read on to find out that this “magical” success secret has no magic. It’s grounded in integrity, in caring about yourself AND in caring about others and the world around you—and it’s the fast track to business success in the 21st century.
Honors and Awards
- An Amazon.com #1 Category Bestseller, April and May, 2010
- On the Environmental and/or Green Business category bestseller lists at least 33 different months. Also on the Business bestseller lists for April and May 2010
- Only the fifth book ever to be named an “Indie Groundbreaking Book” by Independent Publisher Magazine
- GreenBookFestival.com Honorable Mention
- More than 50 endorsements from prominent marketers and environmental leaders by publication date
- Rights sold: Italian and Turkish translation, audiobook
Wouldn’t you like to know how…
- Making your business really, truly Green may actually slash costs *and* provide a powerful “hot button” leverage point for your marketing—but faking a Green commitment (“greenwashing”) could destroy what you’ve worked so hard to build
- Using the relationships you already have, you can create powerful partnerships that bring you directly in front of new and key audiences, at little or no cost—even competitors can be part of your success!
- When you treat the prospect as intelligent, base your business on ethics, and actually anticipate those prospects’ needs, your growth can be exponential—but if you use old-style interruption-oriented marketing that insults your prospects, you’re writing a recipe for failure
- The conversations you create and the experiences people have with you (in the real world, on social media, and elsewhere) are more important than any amount of traditional branding or advertising
Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet, by Jay Conrad Levinson and Shel Horowitz will show you all of this and much more, step by step. With examples of not only what to do right but also how not to do wrong ranging from solopreneurs to Fortune 100 companies (IBM, Apple, Ford, GM, and others), this remarkable book will help you increase and leverage your Green commitment, reach new markets, and slash your marketing costs.
“Yes, you want to build trust through your integrity—and you also want to build profits. Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green shows how to leverage both character and competence into profitable business ventures…Yes, you want your business to be as eco-friendly as possible. And you want to use that eco-friendliness to create swarms of eager customers, all but beating down your door for the privilege of doing business with you.”
— From the Foreword by Stephen M.R. Covey, bestselling author of The Speed of Trust
Learn why…
- Nice guys (of either gender) finish first, not last
- REAL Green businesses can be far more profitable
- The old model of intrusive advertising and marketing not only costs too much, it no longer works—but what you can do instead is both much more powerful and a whole lot cheaper
It’s all in the pages of this inexpensive book.
A portion of the launch revenues were donated to Green America, the nation’s leading green economy organization, helping people and businesses everywhere make the shift to a socially just and environmentally sustainable economy. Our programs guide consumers to find and make green choices, help green businesses emerge and thrive, tackle climate change, build fair trading systems, and demand corporate accountability. At Green America, green always mean social and economic justice – people AND the planet.
Buy the Book
This award-winning book, published by John Wiley & Sons and a best-seller for at least 33 separate months, is now available exclusively through the primary author, Shel Horowitz. Please visit https://shelhorowitz.com/product/guerrilla-marketing-goes-green/ to pick up your copy for just USD $21.95 plus shipping for the 236-page paperback, or $18.95 for a PDF e-book.