Speaking Testimonials
Speaking Testimonials
“It was a delight to have Shel Horowitz present at the Sustainable Foods Summit. Not only did he do a fabulous presentation on green marketing, but he also stepped in on less than two weeks notice to do the opening second-day keynote–a well-delivered inspirational message tracking food sustainability through the ages and into the future. Shel also understands how to work with meeting planners, and in both of his talks, stayed enthusiastic, interacted well with the audience, and kept to his allotted time.”
—Marie-Theres Wimmer, Organizer, Sustainable Foods Summit, Austria
“Captivating, energetic and subject matter expert are just a few adjectives that came to mind as I heard Shel speak at Gulf Coast Green [the Houston AIA Green Energy Conference]. His perfect combination of GREEN fact sharing combined with piquing the audience’s interest was stellar. Shel is a fantastic public speaker. It’s sometimes difficult to keep the attention of a room of highly intelligent architects, designers and sustainability consultants. But Shel plowed through with flying colors. His knowledge base and years of experience yielded a great delivery. He’s a great ‘value add’ for your conference.”
—Lolalisa King, Sustainability Strategist, Architect for Life, PC, www.architectforlife.com
“Shel, thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise with our members –
We had the most ever sign ups – over 170
We have the most ever on the call – nearly 50
This was the most interactive of all our webinars with the most call in questions –
We are looking forward to hosting you at the Green Business Seminars at the Green Festival next month.
—Denise Hamler, Green Business Network Director, Green America
“Not many people have a thorough grasp of marketing AND environmental issues. Shel Horowitz not only has both, but he’s also an energizing, inspiring platform speaker who makes these twin concepts very accessible.”
—Jacquie Ottman, green marketing expert and author, The New Rules of Green Marketing (Berrett-Koehler 2011), https://www.greenmarketing.com
“Shel was so succinct and helpful with his advice in the webinar I participated in. I think we forget to tell our story because we’re immersed in the green world, but in a half hour Shel brought me back to my core values and how best to market the green aspects of the Becky Bones brand. He used insightful case studies to bring light to the subject and after watching his slides on the Marcal packaging history, I looked at my own packaging and thought ‘I’m not dedicating enough space to telling people we give 25% of our profits back to the environment!’ He knows exactly what you’re grappling with as a green company and gives you permission to tell your story. I will take advantage of any opportunity to glean advice from him in the future.”
—Save the Earth, Save Yourself, Krista Kokjohn-Poehler, President, Becky Bones, LLC
“I found your presentation to be very helpful, the information valuable, and worth remembering. I know that what you presented on Sunday was a lot of information to pack into such a short amount of time. But I found the presentation to be informative and succinct. I left wanting to learn more. I was particularly inspired by your story of the Save the Mountain group you formed to save the Mt. Holyoke range from developers. It made me want to move to one place I particularly love, the town of Rosendale, NY, and try to get involved with the campaign to save the area from resort development.”
—Ryan McGarr, attender, SolarFest, 2010, Tinmouth, VT
“I wanted to once again personally thank you for your significant participation at our convention this year… Your keynote address was direct and concise. The message of ethics and integrity was heard and accepted by the attendees and the industry will be better because of it… The convention wouldn’t have been the success it was without your involvement.”
—Jeffrey Armstrong, Noteworthy USA
“You rocked the room, and definitely caused some mind shifts!”
—Willie Crawford, Organizer of the Birthday Bash Marketing Conference
“Thank so much for being our guest for this week’s show. You were terrific and Paul and I really appreciate you taking the time out to help us educate our listeners. It’s obvious to anyone who speaks with you that you know and love your chosen profession. I truly look forward to reading your new book. We’ll be sure to give it a couple more plugs on future shows.”
—Doug Hunt, AKA Sustainable Squirrel, Co-Host of Green Fox Radio, WDEL 1150AM – Saturday’s at Noon, www.wdel.com
“THANK YOU so very much for taking the time to do the interview with me today. It is such an honor for me to spend a part of my day with you. I know our listeners will enjoy your inspiration too. You were great! With gratitude and hugs,”
—Gail Lynne Goodwin, Ambassador of Inspiration, Inspire Me TodayTM, LLC
“Shel’s dedication to ethics was the most important thing I took away from the program. It was good to find someone promoting ethics in a largely unethical world… I have already put an ethics program into practice in a couple of ways. In “About the Author” on my web site, I mention my credo which is “Treat others as you would be treated.” That credo will also appear in the front matter of my book where I will give that terse statement a full page… I tell my readers that doing your part in a kinder, gentler world can pay off big, and I prove it with real-life examples from my own experience. I also try to live my credo in everyday life, not that I always succeed.”
—Ernest J. Honigmann, Monnet Press, St. Louis MO
“[On the Ethics Pledge] Great idea! Can’t wait to see it take off. Get those darn unethical people thinking differently”
—Scott Ginsberg, “Hello, My Name is Scott,” Front Porch Productions, St. Louis, MO
“You’re very lucky to have Shel as a professional colleague and a friend. His was by far the most exciting and entertaining presentation so far. It’s always inspiring to hear someone who is so passionate about all the right stuff.”
—Susan Torrico, OnTimeRX.com, attender at Marcia Yudkin’s No-Hype Copywriting Summit