The Honest Scrap Award

Susan Daffron from selected me for an Honest Scrap Award–woo hoo! She writes,

The award has two components. You have to first list 10 honest things about yourself (and make them interesting), and second present the award to seven other bloggers.

Honest Scrap Award logo
Honest Scrap Award logo

So here are 10 honest things about me:

1. I live on a working farm at the foot of a small mountain, in a house built in 1743, and we’re only the third family to own it (we are not the farmers, though). I think we found Paradise, but we still love to travel.

2. My first act of social change activism that I can remember was quietly destroying the cigarettes of my parents’ guests at age 3–and I did this not to be malicious but because I couldn’t stand smoke.

3. I got into the peace movement at age 12, and the environmental movement three years later–been “stirring up trouble” ever since.

4. When I was 19 and just out of college, I hitchhiked across the US and Canada

5. I taught myself to read before I was four

6. One of the reasons I’m successful as a writer is that I type fast–and that’s because I have such a horrible handwriting that in junior high, my teachers started refusing to read handwritten assignments.

7. Since 1983, I’ve been married to the novelist D. Dina Friedman. We met at a poetry reading in Greenwich Village in 1978 and became a couple in April, 1979.

8. Prior to this soon-to-be-30-year relationship, my longest romance was five months!

9. I became a marketing expert because of my involvement with social change movements–since I was trained in journalism, I started volunteering to write the press releases, and it all started that way.

10. I will happily eat unsweetened dark chocolate, as long as it’s fair-trade and organic. I think 90% cocoa solids is about ideal.

And my seven other bloggers (among dozens of possibilities), in no particular order:

Patrick Byers, Responsible Marketing
Guy Kawasaki, How to Change the World
Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound
Ryan Healy,
Kare Anderson, Moving From Me to We/Say It Better
Michel Fortin, The Success Doctor
Mark Joyner, Atomic Mind Bombs/Simpleology

If you’re on Facebook, you can read susan’s entry and nominations here.


A lifelong activist, profitability and marketing specialist Shel Horowitz’s mission is to fix crises like hunger, poverty, racism, war, and catastrophic climate change—by showing the business world how fixing them can make a profit. An author, international speaker, and TEDx Talker, his award-winning 10th book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, lays out a blueprint for creating and MARKETING those profitable change-making products and services. He is happy to help you craft your messaging and develop profit strategies. Learn more (and download excerpts from the book) at