As a 38-year vegetarian, I keep at least half an eye on trends around vegetarianism. I was quite tickled t odiscover a few months ago that former President Bill Clinton (Mr. Hamburger himself) is now a vegan.

Now this article on TriplePundit says meat can kill you.

When I got my physical last month, my doctor asked, as usual, what medications I take. Other than a couple of topical skin ointments, I take no meds. He congratulated me on the good health of my heart and lungs–though I suspect that has more to do with my 1-to-2-hours-a-day exercise program than with my diet. He keeps telling me that other than my overbig belly, I’m in much better shape than most people my age (55).

I’m sure nearly four decades without meat certainly helps to keep me healthy! So if the moral, economic, world hunger, or other arguments aren’t enough to cut your meat intake, consider living longer and in better health.
